Sign in. The funding decision for the Excellence Cluster funding line was announced on 27 September 2018: Two of the three submitted cluster initiatives will be funded: The “Centre for the Advanced Study of Collective Behaviour” and "The Politics of Inequality: Perceptions, Participation and Policies”. The use of course-related performance assessments developed out of the implementation of these new measures. It enables and supports a wide range of international activities: from short visits by guest lecturers and doctoral students to summer schools, international workshops and start-up financing for new collaborations. When comparing the funding in terms of per-capita values for all academic staff members (including professors), the university climbed one position to 1st place in Germany. Menü. "My University" is your personal, protected area on the website. It has been successful in all three funding lines of the Excellence Initiative, and is therefore one of Germany's elite "Universities of Excellence", a group of prest… Username Password Lost credentials? The founding members of the forum were Gerhart von Graevenitz as rector of the university, Renate Köcher from the Institut für Demoskopie Allensbach (IfD Allensbach), the biologist and science manager Hubert Markl, the philosopher Jürgen Mittelstraß and the economist Horst Siebert. Das Schweizer Departement für Wirtschaft, Bildung und Forschung fördert das An-Institut der Universität Konstanz als „Forschungseinrichtung von nationaler Bedeutung“ mit 3,1 Millionen Franken. Calculated on the basis of professors alone, the university's per-capita external funding volume ranked 2nd. We would like to congratulate our graduates and award winners of 2020 and wish everyone a happy holiday season. It was successfully incorporated into the Zukunftskolleg in late 2007, which was again recognised in the second round of the Excellence Initiative in 2012. [4][5][6] The university is ranked in top 100 worldwide in the field of social policy and administration in the 2020 QS World University Rankings,[7] and ranked 51 in Political Science according to the 2020 ShanghaiRanking. Reserving study spaces via the KIM In each of its two funding phases, two female professor positions were funded through this programme. Search. The most recent book (2013) on "Macht und Wissenschaft" (power and science), was published by the Universitätsverlag Konstanz (university publishing house). They provide more than 100 programs. [16] Students may choose from more than 100 degree programmes. [citation needed]. This is why we promote international cooperation in research and student mobility, recruit excellent international (early career) researchers and work to increase our international visibility. You can plan on courses at the University of Konstanz taking place online through 14 February 2021 (end of the lecture period in the winter term 2020/2021). The university's botanical garden is located to the north-west of the north parking lot and is open on weekdays. The archive is hosted on the Movebank platform at the Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior and the University of Konstanz. In 2012, major university building sections were identified as historic monuments and provided official monument protection in recognition of their collective design and construction. The Welcome Center, on the other hand, supports and guides all international guest researchers at all stages of their careers (doctoral students, post-docs and professors). We are recognized for excellent research and teaching in four areas of expertise: (i) democracy and public policy, (ii) international studies (iii) management and public administration, as well as (iv) data and methods. Plus, in terms of research, we have had a lot of connections with Konstanz for a very long time now. 12:45 - 13:15 The footpath and bike path of Friedrichstraße remain closed due to branches and trees that might have fallen or might fall on the paths. fostering national and international student relations. It has been successful in all three funding lines of the Excellence Initiative, and is therefore one of Germany's elite "Universities of Excellence",[2][3] a group of prestigious universities often considered the German Ivy League. It is ranked #=443 in QS Global World University Rankings 2021. The University has a clear structure, three core faculties which are further sub-divided into 13 departments. Foobar. My University. Established networks between the university's organisational units make it possible to successfully address and complete tasks together. Without infringing upon the responsibilities of the university and the Studentenwerk (state-run non-profit organisation for student services), it carries out the following tasks: The organised student body currently offers free legal advice, a bicycle workshop and a student café. Cisco WebEx, Speaker: Veronika Pöhnl, Koordinatorin Advanced Data and Information Literacy Track, Universität Konstanz Once you are logged in, you can subscribe to individual websites and news channels in this area. The "Zentrum für den wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchs" (ZWN) or Centre for Young Researchers was recognized in this third funding line of the German Excellence Initiative and stirred great interest across Germany, leading the press to refer to the university as the "mini Harvard at Lake Constance". For this reason, the International Office is not only the first stop for international and Konstanz students, but also for the university's departments. A student beer garden on the campus and a bicycle rental service are run by an independent (friends’) association. Search results for bachelor-seminar. Since a corresponding institution does not exist for teacher education students (Lehramtsstudierende) at the university level, these students are represented by the student councils at the department to which their major study subjects are assigned to. The University of Konstanz was founded in 1966 as a reform university. You can currently contact us by email: fachbereich.chemie@uni-konstanz… It is important for us to limit physical contacts to a necessary minimum and to thus contribute to containing the virus. Coordinates: .mw-parser-output .geo-default,.mw-parser-output .geo-dms,.mw-parser-output .geo-dec{display:inline}.mw-parser-output .geo-nondefault,.mw-parser-output .geo-multi-punct{display:none}.mw-parser-output .longitude,.mw-parser-output .latitude{white-space:nowrap}47°41′24″N 9°11′17″E / 47.690°N 9.188°E / 47.690; 9.188, Institutions in the context of the German Excellence Initiative, Clusters of Excellence as part of the Excellence Strategy, Honorary citizens of the University of Konstanz, Honorary senators of the University of Konstanz, Awards and honours awarded by the University of Konstanz, Learn how and when to remove this template message, Balsillie School of International Affairs, Times Higher Education World University Rankings, Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations, Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University Loerrach, Botanischer Garten der Universität Konstanz, "ShanghaiRanking's Global Ranking of Academic Subjects 2019 - Political Sciences | Shanghai Ranking - 2019", "Our Partners | About us | the Politics of Inequality | | University of Konstanz", "Konstanz University website, exchange programs", About the Excellence Initiative, retrieved 23 October 2017, "Office for Equal Opportunity, Family Affairs and Diversity - Projects and external funding", Communications, Information, Media Centre (KIM) at the University of Konstanz, retrieved 23 October 2017, About the Excellence Strategy of the German Federal and State Governments, retrieved 25 January 2019, Cooperations at the University of Konstanz, The Konstanz Science Forum website (in German) retrieved 7 November 2017, Students' union website (in German) retrieved 19 January 2018, "Honorary senators of the University of Konstanz", "Zoran Djinjic (prime minister of Serbia)", Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, Baden-Württemberg Cooperative State University, Catholic University of Applied Sciences Freiburg, Graduate School of Economic and Social Sciences, Nürtingen-Geislingen University of Applied Science, Protestant University for Applied Sciences Freiburg, Ravensburg University of Cooperative Education, Rottenburg University of Applied Forest Sciences, Stuttgart Technology University of Applied Sciences, University of Applied Sciences Ravensburg-Weingarten,, Educational institutions established in 1966, Articles needing additional references from December 2017, All articles needing additional references, Pages using infobox university with the image name parameter, Pages using infobox university with the affiliations parameter, Articles with unsourced statements from May 2020, Articles which use infobox templates with no data rows, Wikipedia articles with SUDOC identifiers, Wikipedia articles with WORLDCATID identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. Zur Verknüpfung von Medienwissenschaft und kulturwissenschaftlichen Tier-Studien" ONLINE-EVENT: 8. A mid-size university with a well-designed campus, all departments are within quick walking distance of each other. Detailed information about conditional on-site operations (FAQs). The organised student body's organisational structure has centralised and decentralised components. [25], The Excellence Strategy of the German Federal and State Governments at the University of Konstanz: The University of Konstanz submitted three full cluster proposals to the DFG in February 2018. In some cases, you will need to submit officially certified copies to the university later. The following artworks have been constructed as part of Percent for art projects on university grounds: The glass roof (1972) consisting of 227 coloured pyramids in the main entrance area of the university, designed by Otto Piene; the pipe sculptures (1969-1974) by Friedrich Gräsel in the Hockgrabental; the gate structures (1984) by Georg Karl Pfahler; the spool sculpture (1972) by Gottfried Bechtold; and the wooden head sculptures (1993) by Stephan Balkenhols. Gastvortrag im Rahmen des Seminars "Medien und Tiere. 6 LHG (state law on higher education). In this case Konstanz came 21st in the global comparison. Application are now open: apply to the MSc Economics until February 15 in order to spend the academic year 2021/22 at the University of Konstanz. [31] This position makes Konstanz the best German university amongst those assessed, all of which are under 50 years old. Designer Wilhelm von Wolff's idea was that "people should be able to stroll through the university as if it were an old city centre with squares and alleyways that provide opportunities for casual encounters, perhaps with something mysterious here and there to rouse expectations". 1993 – 1997, Member of the program in Genetics, State University of New York, Stony Brook. When counting all acdacemic staff members, the per-capita funding totals in the life sciences, the humanities, and the social sciences were ranked 1st in Germany. Persons with disabilities are explicitly encouraged to apply. 10, 78464 Konstanz, Germany Additional spaces in area N are available as of 3 November. Instead of a scattered array of individual buildings, architect Horst Linde drafted a compact university complex with interlinked buildings. QS World University Ranking. PhD Position in Structural Biology. On 19 July 2019, the university’s concept “University of Konstanz – creative.together” was selected for funding in the Universities of Excellence funding line. The forum will serve as an interface for "economy, politics and society" and deal with topics related to research and higher education during conferences. The German Council of Science and Humanities will announce the final decision in regard to the second funding line in July 2019.[26]. The university is Germany's southernmost university and is situated on the shore of Lake Constance just four kilometres from the Swiss border. The University of Konstanz has once again been selected as one of eleven Universities of Excellence or consortia in Germany It has been successful in all funding lines of both the German Excellence Initiative and the Excellence Strategy since 2007. The University of Konstanz is comprised of thirteen departments that are divided into three faculties: the Faculty of Sciences, the Faculty of Humanities and the Faculty of Politics - Law - Economics. The University of Konstanz's status as a research-oriented university of excellence was reaffirmed in the second round of the Excellence Initiative competition in 2012. ), Tina Ulmer Teaching Award of the "Stiftung Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft” (science and society foundation), The University of Konstanz Medal of Merit, This page was last edited on 14 January 2021, at 19:50. The university's consistent use of centralised service providers has not changed. The teacher education working group (Arbeitskreis Lehramt) and a section within the AStA (student union) support the special interests and concerns of the teacher education students. Since then, the university has made several additions, all of which followed the original plans. It was founded in 1966, and the main campus on the Gießberg was opened in 1972. 08.06.2020. Discovery of liquid glass sheds light on the old scientific problem of the glass transition: An interdisciplinary team of researchers from the University of Konstanz has uncovered a new state of matter, liquid glass, with previously unknown structural elements – new insights into the nature of glass and its transitions. In accordance to article 3 § 1 of the organised student body law, which required an original vote on organisational statutes for the student body, the basic configuration of the organised student body is organised and structured on the basis of the provisions of the LHG. Access to the University of Konstanz is currently possible via Friedrichstrasse. Its main campus was opened on the Gießberg in 1972 after being founded in 1966. [23] The university has also successfully participated in the Professorinnenprogramm[24] (funding programme for female professors). Research calls for curiosity. University of Konstanz Research Konstanz, Baden-Württemberg 25,133 followers Erfolgreich in der Exzellenzinitiative und der Exzellenzstrategie des Bundes und der Länder. Log in to access "My University" and the password-protected areas. As an equal opportunity employer, we strive to increase the number of women working in the field advertised. By successfully participating in the European Universities Initiative, we have taken another important step towards a joint European Education Area: Within the university network European Reform University Alliance, learning, teaching and researching across borders will become a reality. Since 1 January 2019, two new Konstanz-based Clusters of Excellence are being funded through the Excellence Strategy, the follow-up programme to the Excellence Initiative: the “Centre for the Advanced Study of Collective Behaviour” and “The Politics of Inequality: Perceptions, Participation and Policies”. [18] The university logo was designed by Otl Aicher in 1980, one of the most well-known graphic designers of the 20th century. QS WUR By Subject Ranking. The University of Konstanz is committed to ensuring an environment that provides equal opportunities and promotes diversity as well as a good balance between university and family life. 4 LHG), the university chose this form of subcategorisation using a different name in order to meet the special needs of the comparatively smaller university. It belongs to Konstanz's Egg district, with the old village of Egg located a distance of 200 metres from campus on the far side of the Mainaustrasse (Mainau street). Especially the 24-hour library, which provides easy access to all of its books, is a well-known feature of the university. 1993 – 1997, Associate Professor, Department of Ecology and Evolution, State University of New York at Stony Brook. Supported by a grant from the University of Konstanz International Office. Please inform yourself at the university about its application procedure. Since the LHG binds the term Fachschaft (student council) to university institutions or faculties (§ 65a para. Online graduate seminar on the aesthetics, poetics, and politics of oil in American culture (WS 2020/21), organized by Moritz Ingwersen. Construction started in 1970 and lasted until 1983. The University of Konstanz (German: Universität Konstanz) is a university in the city of Konstanz in Baden-Württemberg, Germany. Publication; Share Share on Facebook Share on Twitter On the international level, the University of Konstanz cooperates with around 220 partner universities in the context of the Erasmus Programme. While it is its own representative body (the organised student body as such), 16 departmental student councils (Studienfachschaften) representing students from all university departments or related study programmes take on delegated responsibilities of and for the organised student body. Its library is open 24 hours a day and has more than two million books.[17]. The University of Konstanz maintains an extensive cooperation network with regional, national and international partner institutions from the areas of science, economics, politics and the public sector. University of Konstanz is a public university in Konstanz in Baden-Württemberg, Germany and was founded in 1966. The University of Konstanz was started as a Reform University in 1966. Department of Chemistry. We are looking to recruit a PhD student to join our laboratory at the Department of Biology, University of Konstanz, Germany. A university was briefly located in Konstanz during the 17th and 18th century. The university's International Office implements and promotes internationality in all areas of the university including research, teaching, study and administration. The idea was to adapt the architecture to the hillside location, similar to a mountain village. Due to a lack of new agreements, traditional responsibilities that are usually carried out by student body representatives in other federal states have remained with the Studentenwerk Seezeit (Seezeit student services) in Baden-Württemberg in accordance to the LHG. University of Konstanz has ties with many renowned institutions, such as Harvard, Johns Hopkins University, Yale University, the University of Chicago, UC Berkeley, University of Zurich, and the Balsillie School of International Affairs. As a double degree student, you will spend your M1 at the University of Konstanz and your M2 at Aix-Marseille School of Economics/Aix-Marseille University, graduating with two renowned Master degrees after four semesters. since 1997, Professor, Department of Biology, University of Konstanz. Schwaketenstrasse currently remains closed. The departments replaced the previous schools and working groups and the tasks and responsibilities of these schools have since been carried out and fulfilled by the faculties in accordance with the Landeshochschulgesetz LHG (state law on higher education). E-mail: Whatever your plans may be, the University of Konstanz will help you along the way. [citation needed], The institutional strategy of the university, “Modell Konstanz - Towards a Culture of Creativity”, was adopted on 19 October 2007 in the context of the German Excellence Initiative, which administered jointly by the German Research Foundation (DFG) and the German Council of Science and Humanities. Note. Since 2008, the forum has published a series of books to commemorate its conferences. Attention, please! #51-100. There are more than 11,300 students and around 2,150 staff at the University. Additionally, four Collaborative Research Centres (CRC) funded by the DFG are currently operating at the University of Konstanz. University of Konstanz The University of Konstanz (German: Universität Konstanz) is a university in the city of Konstanz in Baden-Württemberg, Germany. In order to more easily transcend the boundaries between academic subjects and infrastructure, the Anglo-Saxon concept of the campus university was adapted, through which the administration and service providers such as the canteen and library have become easily accessible and centralised locations. #251-300. Username Password Lost credentials? The conditional on-site operations at the University of Konstanz will help to contain the virus. The resulting Zukunftskolleg Incoming Fellowship Programme (ZIF-Marie-Curie-Programme) allowed the Zukunftskolleg to further develop its fellowship programme by adding one additional international component. University of Konstanz Communications and Marketing 78457 Konstanz Phone: +49 7531 88-3603. 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university of konstanz 2021