30. contra is used where no signal would be used for support. Useful Expressions with GET with Example Sentences. Anti 5. Negotiations for the marriage began during the reign of Charles I., were renewed immediately after the Restoration, and on the 23rd of June, in spite of Spanish opposition, the marriage contract was signed, England securing Tangier and Bombay, with trading privileges in Brazil and the East Indies, religious and commercial freedom in Portugal and two million Portuguese … It is very probable that these "libelli" are the writings entitled Concordia Evangeliorum, Contra Judaeos, De articulis fidei, Confessio fidei and De unitate Trinitatis. Sentence with the word Contra. Phrases. Examples. Hier klicken zum Ausklappen. The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historial usage. In Contra Costa County, it is $ 30, 000. A non-theological Athanasius contra mundum, he has the truest missionary spirit, an intense faith which would seek to move the mountains of apathy and active opposition. Copyright © 2020 LoveToKnow. Learn more. This signals that the cited authority directly contradicts a given point. Vocabulary. All that is known of his work is through Jerome's treatise Contra Vigilantium, or, as that controversialist would seem to prefer saying, "Contra Dormitantium.". Guybrush88 1 2230764 Go for help. 24867 What for? wind that had ever been turned out of his works. contra posaune to be the finest double reed on 7in. Source: 'Daily Use'. In relation to the world he was its prototype, the 1Na 1.5e&,, and its redeeming power (Contra Cels. For example: "Before Blakely, courts around the country had found that 'statutory minimum' was the maximum sentence allowed by law for the crime, rather than the maximum standard range sentence. Counter 4. contra. especially the passage - "Procedant contra infideles ad pugnam jam incipi dignam qui abusive privatum certamen contra fideles consuescebant distendere quondam.". The prefix contra-and its variant counter-mean “opposite” or “against.” For instance, the prefix contra-gave rise to the words contradict and contrast, whereas the variant spelling counter-gave rise to counteract and counterfeit.To contradict someone is to speak “against” what she is saying, whereas a counterclockwise direction is “opposite” of the normal … Contra- in a sentence 1. 603. 2. Ein comment ist eine Stellungnahme, in der du deine eigene Meinung begründet präsentieren sollst. Another example is the owner's drawing account. antonyms. lukaszpp 291232 He took part in the anti-war demonstration. contra account definition. Once again, a sedative is something that calms you down and a contra-sedative counteracts that effect. See 10 authoritative translations of Contra in English with example sentences, phrases and audio pronunciations. In the first place should be mentioned the treatise Contra Celsum, in which the expositions of Gnosticism by both Origen and Celsus are of interest (see especially v. From this time on he was a supporter of Nicene orthodoxy over against Arianism (cf., e.g., his Contra Marcellum, De ecclesiastica theologia, and Theophania). This tool is great for seeing how words are used in a natural context. This work, Contra Gentiles, may be taken as an elaborate exposition of the method of Aquinas. Versus 3. Moreover, it would be further necessary to prove that the birrus, in contradistinction to the paenula, was always open in front; whereas, per contra, the paenula, both as worn by soldiers and in ordinary life, was, like the modern Arab burnus, often slit up the front to the neck. The fullest account of his writings is given in Gass, Gennadius and Pletho (Berlin, 1844), the second part of which contains Pletho's Contra Gennadium. Excessive cutting away of the horny sole is contra-indicated. Hobbes also founded his Leviathan State upon the otherwise unconquerable chaos, the bellum omnium contra omnes, of individualistic society. Suppose " per contra " that are distinct primes with absolute value less than 1. Goar, Rituale Graecorum (gives the current Greek rites); F. as " mysteries," 2 The Summa contra Gentiles has a more polemic or apologetic interest than the dogmatic Summa, but deals almost equally with the contents of Christian theology as a whole. CK 1 1116995 Cook for me. Translation. English Sentences Focusing on Words and Their Word Families The Word "Anti" in Example Sentences Page 1. contra- meaning: 1. against or opposite: 2. against or opposite: . contra (lang: sp) The Sentence Maker allows you to enter a word or phrase in the text box below and retrieve translated sentence pairs (English and Spanish) containing that word/phrase. Consider the problems of the teenager contra those of the adult. 3. The last movement begins with overblown harmonics using piccolos and bass & contra bass flutes. According to multiple sources (1 and 2), the word "contra" can be employed as either a preposition or an adverb. PLAY. Thesaurus. Sentences Mobile Per contra, Christian Science destroys such tendency." and Contra Vigilantium liber), and to repeat his admiration of the hermit life in his Vita S. Malta and Gozo are the only islands of the Mediterranean which can be associated with this section, and, per contra, the mountain chain of north-west Africa belongs to Eurasia. Consider the problems of the teenager contra those of the adult. Dictionary. It's difficult to see contra in a sentence . Killing human life is morally wrong under all circumstances. Phrases. Contra walked along a dirt path, her hands shoved deep in the pockets of her trench coat. contradict. The word per contra calls to mind this time-honored practice of balancing items on one side of a ledger against those on the other. Anselm's Apologia contra insipientem Gaunilonem (c. 110o); or the Lutheran Apology for the Augsburg Confession (1531); or J. The most thorough replies have been those of Lunemann (Pauli ad Philipp. This is what a contra-sedative does and that is why she needed it. His opinions were in broad contrast to the views of Dr. Andrews. The earliest work of Orosius, Consultatio sive commonitorium ad Augustinum de errore Priscillianistarum et Origenistarum, explains its object by its title; it was written soon after his arrival in Africa, and is usually printed in the works of Augustine along with the reply of the latter, Contra Priscillianistas et Origenistas liber [ad Orosium. Examples. STUDY. Das Pro und Contra in dieser Affäre hielt sich die Waage. more... Usted debe pagar la multa porque violó una ordenanza contra el ruido. Also known as bad debt reserve, this is a contra account listed within current asset … contra erroneas Lutheranorum assertiones (Paris, 1529). Excessive drinking is said to lead to skin and other diseases, but per contra many medicinal virtues are ascribed to the preparation. contra in a sentence - 24 Lists. Of Eusebius' apologetic works we still have the Contra Hieroclem, Praeparatio evangelica, Demonstratio evangelica, and Theophania. contra / examples. Rosie October 25, 2017. Source_VOA 2707445 There is a strong anti-nuclear movement in Germany. The company developed and published best-selling titles such as Contra, Gradius and the Castlevania series. He was being held without bail at the Cont support for Afghanistan forces against the Soviets and for contras against the Nicaraguan government, or for Israel against various Arab countries, etc. CK 1 2253852 Wait … Quick Summary. On the other hand, it now seems practically demonstrated that Alain de Lille was the author of the Ars catholicae fidei and the treatise Contra haereticos. Ratramnus perhaps won most glory in his own day by his Contra Graecorum opposita, in four books (868), a valued contribution to the controversy between the Eastern and Western Churches which had been raised by the publication of the encyclical letter of Photius in 867. Whether it's a beat 'em up like Final Fight or one that involves guns like Contra (which immediately brings the unforgettable Konami code to mind), I just couldn't get enough of them. Three polemical works require mention: Contra cujusdam anonymi Galli calumnies apologia, Contra medicum quendam invectivarum libri, and De sui ipsius et multorum ignorantia - controversial and sarcastic compositions, which grew out of Petrarch's quarrels with the physicians of Avignon and the Averroists of Padua. contra indication give oral beta blocker for at least 1 year, if tolerated. Contrast her excellent reporting to the passive reporter who found out very little about the company. contra account definition: in a company's double-entry bookkeeping, an account relating to a business that supplies goods…. Je nachdem, was du für einen Text schreiben musst, sind bestimmte Formulierungen besonders gefragt. It was nip and tuck across to the Contra Costa Hills, neither of us seeming to gain or to lose. Word List: contra, counter - used in a sentence 2. Choose a language, then type a word below to get example sentences for that word. He was such a contrast of emotions, and yet so masculine. CK 1 2249823 Pray for me. Here are many translated example sentences containing "CONTRAS" - spanish-english translations and search engine for spanish translations. … English Sentences Focusing on Words and Their Word Families The Word "For" in Example Sentences Page 1. IT in English Search Usages Definitions Synonyms Translations Pronunciations Images Toggle filters. Soldan, Narracion de Guerra de Chile contra Peru y Bolivia (La Paz, 1884); C. M. pontificis, dedicated to the new pope (John XXIII. papae (1335-1338) and in the Defensorium contra errores Johannis XXII. 15+ Useful Collocations with TIME with Meaning and Examples. In contrast or opposition to; against. How to use contra in a sentence. lukaszpp 291232 He took part in the anti-war demonstration. Need to translate "ABOGAR EN CONTRA" from spanish and use correctly in a sentence? 1 may or may not be affected by Philo; it is almost or quite solitary in the N.T.) How do you use contra- in a sentence? What are synonyms for contra-? Browse our Scrabble Word Finder, Words With Friends cheat dictionary, and WordHub word solver to find words starting with contra. Dictionary. CK 681277 The anti-smoking law is just, in my opinion. Translation. When you unboxed the original Nintendo Entertainment System (NES), you could expect to play games like Duck Hunt and Contra... and that's about it. Real sentences showing how to use Contra correctly. Add to list. 202. (Pol) Contra Declension Contra is a masculine noun. Pero las medidas contra la industria tabacalera podrian ser mas rigurosas. Similarly, the immortality of the soul may be maintained on Platonic or quasi-Platonic lines, as by St Athanasius (Contra Gentes, § 33) - a writer who repeatedly quotes the Alexandrian Book of Wisdom, in which Platonism and the Old Testament had already joined partnership. Contra is used where no signal would be used for support. in 1840 has five classes; the white cross of the badge bears the effigy of Philip surrounded by the motto Si Deus vobiscum quis contra nos. The distinction between these two was made emphatic by Aquinas, who is at pains, especially in his treatise Contra Gentiles, to make it plain that each is a distinct fountain of knowledge, but that revelation is the more important of the two. This relation can be supportive, comparative, or contradictory. Contrary to the actor’s outgoing image, he is really a very shy man. It is entitled Vindiciae contra tyrannos, sive de principis in populum populique in principem legitima potestate, Stephano Junio Bruto Celta auctore, and is thought to have been published at Basel (1579) although it bears the imprint of, Edinburgh. We do not have example sentences for contra. The only complete work by Eustathius now extant is the De Engastrimytho contra Origenem (ed. more... Él contaba con diecisiete años y ella era un poco mayor. About 6 results found using 'CONTRA ACCOUNT'. Other Ways to … What does contra mean? Pronunciation . The position of Gezer is defined by Jerome (Onomasticon, s.v.) contra proferentem - against the party that sought to rely on them. use in a sentence contra. Such is the contrast between winter and spring. On the other hand, pelagic sealing, being a method of promiscuous slaughter, was illegitimate; it was contra bonos mores and analogous to piracy. Du kannst dabei beispielsweise auf eine Aussage (statement), eine Problematik (issue) oder auf einen Text insgesamt reagieren und deine Einschätzungen dazu äußern. In 1987, virtually all contra … ParaScope, one of several … Some faith groups, such as the Roman Catholic Church, oppose the death penalty as not being "pro-life." In Contra Costa County, it is $ 30, 000. Example Sentences for "contra "The following articles on Shaw are noteworthy for one reason or another: "Shaw Contra Mundum" by C. Fourthly, there is always a possibility that what passes as a legitimate use of force may be so wasteful as to be really a use of violence; and per contra that measures condemned as recourse to mere violence may, under the given circumstances, … What is the definition of contra-? Boetius) librum de sancta trinitate, et capita quaedam dogmatica, et librum contra Nestorium. Wrongly convicted, innocent people have received death penalty sentences, and tragically, were killed by the state. Contra. Henry composed numerous state papers still extant; his only book was his Assertio septem sacramentorum contra M. Most scholars regard as genuine the polemical treatises Contra Nestorianos et Eutychianos, Contra Nestorianos, Contra Monophysitas, Contra Severum (patriarch of Antioch); and the Exam, generally called De Sectis. If you loved Contra growing up, you will feel right at home with Metal Slug Advance. Menu. Contra sentence examples. 216. Add to list. The chief source of information about him is the Liber contra Auxentium in the Benedictine edition of the works of Hilary. definitions. For instance, Contra's Bill gains the "spread shot" gun when he picks up a fire flower. Per contra the tax was wholly unfelt, a shilling a quarter only affecting an average family of four persons to the extent of three shillings per annum, or about three farthings a week, while it was paid little by little, as Adam Smith explains with regard to indirect taxes in general. (preposition) Dictionary ! A highly unequal income distribution pattern accompanied by trade led growth per contra would limit the productive capacity of the domestic economy. In contrast or opposition to; against. Per contra, the prosecution countered firstly, that there can only be consent to bona fide emails, which the defendant's were not. His great work is a treatise against the Pelagians, entitled De causa Dei contra Pelagium et de virtute causarum, edited by Sir Henry Savile (London, 1618). as four Roman miles north (contra septentrionem) of Nicopolis ('Amwas). synonyms. Ad ecclesiam is explained by its common title, Contra avaritiam. Loscher affirms in regard to miracles that " solus Deus potest tum supra naturae vires turn contra naturae leges agere "; and Buddaeus argues that in them a " suspensio legum naturae " is followed by a restitutio. A rehabilitated criminal can make a morally valuable contribution to society. Learn more. A guide to legal citation using Bluebook rules. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Log in. The Contras were the various U.S.-backed and funded right-wing rebel groups that were active from 1979 to the early 1990s in opposition to the Marxist Sandinista Junta of National Reconstruction Government in Nicaragua.Among the separate contra groups, the Nicaraguan Democratic Force (FDN) emerged as the largest by far. List of useful phrases for discussions written in complete sentences The contras were the various U.S.-backed and funded right-wing rebel groups that were active from 1979 to the early 1990s in opposition to the Marxist Sandinista Junta of National Reconstruction Government in Nicaragua.Among the separate contra groups, the Nicaraguan Democratic … Here are many translated example sentences containing "ABOGAR EN CONTRA" - spanish-english translations and search engine for spanish translations. Probably, however, the earliest confession of faith of any Baptist community is that given by Zwingli in the second part of his Elenchus contra Catabaptistas, published in 1527. From the bass and double quint pommers came ultimately the bassoon and contra-bassoon, and from the alto pommer, an obsolete instrument for which Bach wrote, called the oboe di caccia, or hunting oboe, an appellation unexplained, unless it had originally a horn-like tone, and was, as it has … To begin with, contra means opposite or against while a sedative is a drug which is taken to induce sleep or enhance calmness. (There might have been a subsequent remark about the CIA guy's wife involving the word contra, but Billy claims that was another button man imitating him … Information and translations of contra in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. 103. How to Write a Formal Letter | Useful Phrases with ESL Image. Contra definition, against; in opposition or contrast to: Consider the problems of the teenager contra those of the adult. The distinction between these two was made emphatic by Aquinas, who is at pains, especially in his treatise Contra Gentiles, to make it plain that each is a distinct fountain of knowledge, but that revelation is the more important of the two. Contra spem spero: Latin sentence: Perfect Size 110 Page Journal Notebook Diary (110 Pages, Lined, 6 x 9) 5,34€ 2: Contra spem spero! Damit du deine Texte abwechslungsreich, präzise und anspruchsvoll gestalten kannst, geben wir dir hier einige Formulierungen und Vokabeln mit auf den Weg.Häufig helfen bestimmte Satzanfänge zusätzlich dabei, deinen Text zu strukturieren. Per contra definition, on the other hand; on the contrary. Use "contra" in a sentence. See examples of contra in Spanish. contraband. The word h7roXo'yia is used by Origen (Contra Cel. Pronunciation. Penrose, Account of the last Expedition to Port Egmont in the Falkland Islands (1775); Observations on the Forcible Occupation of Malvinas by the British Government in 1833 (Buenos Ayres, 1833); Reclamacion del Gobierno de las provincias Unidas de la Plata contra el de S. 4), or of Old Testament law; so especially in Philo the Jew, and in Flavius Josephus (even perhaps at Contra Apionem, i. 2. An account with a balance that is the opposite of the normal balance. Agin 7. This. The man trains dogs to sniff out _____ hidden in suitcases and other objects. Real sentences showing how to use Contra correctly. tra. Sophie December 12, 2017. Of more historical interest are the two books Contra Symmachum, of 658 and 1131 hexameter verses respectively, the first attacking the pagan gods, the second directed against the petition of Symmachus to the emperor for the restoration of the altar and statue of Victory which Gratian had cast down. With this best video game cheat, you were given 30 lives for each character (if playing with a friend) and could defeat Contra within an hour. In the Summa Catholicae Fidei contra Gentiles he shows how a Christian theology is the sum and crown of all science. English for Business: Useful Phrases to Use During A Business Meeting. 4. Most of the sentences presented include audio of the sentence in Spanish, which allows you to learn faster by listening to native Spanish speakers. Learn more. CK 1 2549812 It's for me. Taliban: 1. 591-632); B. In 1872 he was elected master of conferences at the Ecole Normale, and was made doctor of philosophy in recognition of his two treatises, Platonis Hippias Minor sive Socratica contra liberum arbitrium argumenta and La Liberte et le determinisme. 331. Most interestingly, however, they ALL have a deep and abiding believe in contra-causal free will. contra. The per contra is that they themselves are rather malodorous. Translate Contra. 858-924, 18 5 1, pp. Spamster 1 2235642 Ask for Tom. Learn more. Menu. The contra list of example sentences with contra. CONTRA: Embargo a las exportaciones de las armas a America Latina; Under pressure in Iran-Contra, Ronald Reagan was confused. Synonyms: 1.Contra 2. How do you use contra- in a sentence? CK 1 1640968 Run for it! Grammar. He engaged in the Pelagian controversy with more than even his usual bitterness (Dialogi contra pelagianos); and it is said that the violence of his invective so provoked his opponents that an armed mob attacked the monastery, and that Jerome was forced to flee and to remain in concealment for nearly two years. It involved several members of the Reagan Administration who engaged in the sale of arms to Iran, an avowed enemy, and used proceeds from the sales to illegally fund the Contras, a right-wing guerrilla group in Nicaragua. Sophia November 1, 2017. Pro 8. What is the meaning of contra-? Log in Sign up. In contrast, courts of … In die Spalte Contra … Contrary to what my wife has told the judge, I have never been unfaithful to her. Consider the problems of the teenager contra those of the adult. Con 6. What is the meaning of contra-? This criticism is not applicable to his works on antiquarian subjects, and his edition of Benedetto Accolti's De bello a Christianis contra barbaros (1623) has great merits. CK 681277 The anti-smoking law is just, in my opinion. 2. 1K. Examples of Contrary in a sentence. Contra in a sentence (in german) 1. Please check your spelling or try searching for similar words or phrases. I could make out the Selby Smelter on the Contra Costa shore and the Mare Island lighthouse. 3 6 2 „ 356 35 2 „ 35 0 „ 34 65 „ 349 349 348 346 344 341 341 B.C. New: You can type any word, phrase, or sentence into box above to find relevant quotes and lyrics in this tab. The fifth treatise is Contra Eutychen et Nestorium. preposition. Tom December 11, 2017. He finished the Summa contra gentiles, wrote various disputed questions and began the Summa theologiae. Per contra, much that was only " implicit " in the deposit of faith has become " explicit " in dogma. cons el pro y el contra - the pros and cons Contra in a sentence 1. Or use our Unscramble word solver to find your best possible play! See more. The term comes from Italian, and it translates literally as "by … Need to translate "CONTRAS" from spanish and use correctly in a sentence? Premium. Definition for contra (4 of 4) contra-2 a prefix meaning “pitched lower than” the voice or instrument specified by the following element: contralto, contrabassoon. ); De modis uniendi ac reformandi ecclesiam and De difficultate reformationis in concilio universali, advocating the convocation of a council, to which the pope is to bow; Contra dampnatos Wiclivitas Pragae, against the Hussites; Jura ac privilegia imperii, a glorification of the empire in view of the convocation of the council of Constance; Avisamenta pulcherrima de unione et reformatione membrorum et capitis fienda, a programme of church reform based on his experiences of the evils of the papal system. From spanish and use correctly in a sentence trench coat that calms down... Christian theology is the de Engastrimytho contra Origenem ( ed 0 „ 34 65 „ 349! 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