Baltimore County librarians seek to unionize through legislation that’s going before General Assembly - Baltimore Sun Citing a lack of transparency and communication from Baltimore County … Baltimore County Code, Title 2 - Fire Prevention Code, Rules, and Regulations § 14-2-201. Staff also tracks State and County legislation, and presents legislation of interest to the Planning Board. 2 1 SECTION 1. Baltimore County Progressive Democrats Club. Shellenberger : “To tell an officer what they can and cannot do at 2 o’clock in the morning when they’re rolling around on a road trying to save their own life, I think is truly unfair. [All] UNLESS HEREIN EXEMPTED, ALL Signs AT … Olszewski said in December that school administration had refused to share information with local police, the county attorney and state information technology experts. In the Senate - Hearing 2/04 at 1:00 p.m. Baltimore County - Board of Education - Election of Officers. Standing, left to right: A. Sign requirements. Citing a lack of transparency and communication from Baltimore County Public Library leadership and seeking health care benefits for almost half the … Bill 131-20 Zoning Regulations – Temporary Use Trailers The following Resolution, in PDF format, was introduced by the County Council at its December 21, 2020 meeting. The owner of any building containing 1, 2, or 3 residential rental units must install at least one direct-wired, electronically operated smoke detector in each unit. BALTIMORE - The Baltimore County Council passed legislation Monday night that will prohibit police from using chokeholds and impose new oversight requirements on the Police Department. We still have more work to do. Baltimore County Executive Johnny Olszewski introduced legislation Monday night that would ensure competitive and fair wages for any workers hired on county-funded projects. 6 5. Baltimore County Councilman Julian Jones has given up for now on legislation that would have restricted when police could use no-knock warrants. Shellenberger : “To tell an officer what they can and cannot do at 2 o’clock in the morning when they’re rolling around on a road trying to save their own life, I think is truly unfair. January 12, 2021, 7:54 AM. Baltimore County backs state legislation increasing oversight of county schools to prevent fraud, waste - Taylor DeVille. Phone: 410-887-3196 Fax: 410-887-5791 E-mail: Now, a proposed state law written in response to Fox45’s investigation, may have to wait until next year. Cathy takes her role as a legislator seriously, striving to represent the interests of Baltimore County residents and to be their voice in local legislative matters. Baltimore County Council Chairwoman Cathy Bevins, who voted to table the legislation, did not return a text asking for comment. Jones withdrew the bill Tuesday. Bill 31-20 CEB - Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) – COVID-19 Fund Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) – COVID-19 Fund - Emergency Measure Bill 32-20 CEB - Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) – COVID Response Grant - Emergency Measure Bill 33-20 Annual Budget and Appropriation Ordinance of Baltimore County Bill 34-20 Property Tax Additionally, at least 51 percent of all new jobs required to complete these projects would need to be filled by Baltimore County residents. Baltimore County backs state legislation increasing oversight of county schools to prevent fraud, waste . Baltimore County State’s Attorney Scott Shellenberger calls Jones’ legislation unworkable. The bill will be introduced in the County Council session scheduled for Monday, December 16. Saying there is inadequate oversight to combat possible fraud, waste and abuse of power within Baltimore County Public Schools, County Executive … Verletta White, appointed as interim superintendent of schools after Dance’s resignation in 2017, was cited by a school ethics panel in 2018 for failing to disclose income she earned as a consultant, although White said it was a mistake based on a misunderstanding of financial disclosure forms. Several Democratic lawmakers, including Del. Legislation; Calendar; City Council; Departments; People; Search: select: select file # text attachments other info Search Legislation : 0 records; File # Enactment # Type Status File Created Final Action Title; Please enter your search criteria. The Baltimore County Council passed legislation Monday night that will prohibit police from using chokeholds and impose new oversight requirements on police department. Baltimore County ... Every Monday, starting January 18th, you can Zoom with me to share your views on various legislation, get help with constituent issues, or just to say “hello”! Final Reading and Vote will occur at the Legislative Session on Monday, January 4, 2021 at 6 p.m. BALTIMORE, MD (Monday, January 11, 2021) — This morning outside of the Johns Hopkins Metro, Baltimore Mayor Brandon M. Scott joined with Baltimore County Executive Johnny Olszewski, Anne Arundel County Executive Steuart Pittman, and Howard County Executive Calvin Ball to express support for the Transit Safety and Investment Act. Taylor DeVille, The Baltimore Sun. Political Organization. The legislative package introduced by Baltimore County Executive Johnny Olszewski Jr. and County … Tuesday night, the council held a hearing on a reworked proposal that in its current form has the support of a majority of council members. Madigan also found last year that the county improperly paid at least 20 employees more than $3 million in salary and pension payments, a practice county law prohibits in most cases. The legislative package introduced by Baltimore County Executive Johnny Olszewski Jr. and County … 7 a. Baltimore County Executive Introduces Legislation That Would Ensure Workers Hired For County-Funded Projects Get A Fair Wage TOWSON, Md. Community complaints about the smell emanating from hemp farms and unfounded claims that the odor is causing health problems for some in Baltimore County has again inspired legislation threatening Maryland’s “right-to-farm” laws. Dante Barksdale, ‘heart and soul’ of Safe Streets, is shot to death Sunday in Baltimore, officials say, Former Baltimore Mayor Catherine Pugh among those seeking clemency from President Trump, A county-by-county look at how to make a coronavirus vaccine appointment in Maryland, Mike Preston: Here’s how the Ravens can improve this offseason | COMMENTARY, Hundreds mourn Safe Streets leader as Baltimore lights up City Hall Dome to honor Dante Barksdale, Ravens release backup QB Robert Griffin III after three years, With departure expected, Ravens RB Mark Ingram says he’s looking forward to ‘next opportunity’, Trump farewell planned for Wednesday morning at military base ahead of Joe Biden’s oath of office, Carroll County Health Department unveils updated COVID-19 vaccination rollout plan, Ex-Baltimore police officer convicted in Gun Trace Task Force fallout said he cooperated with investigations, Baltimore City Public Schools to begin vaccinating 500 teachers and staff a week, Orioles roster projection: With spring training a month away, here’s who might be on the team Opening Day, Hogan visits Maryland National Guard soldiers defending U.S. Capitol ahead of inauguration, A ‘healthy’ doctor died two weeks after getting a COVID-19 vaccine; CDC is investigating why, Here are the known cases of coronavirus in Maryland [GRAPHICS], [More Maryland news] Carroll County Health Department unveils updated COVID-19 vaccination rollout plan, [More Maryland news] Baltimore City Public Schools to begin vaccinating 500 teachers and staff a week, John C. Roemer III, retired teacher and former head of American Civil Liberties Union of Maryland, dies, Black church in Cockeysville works to preserve history despite difficulties presented by pandemic, 48-year-old Dundalk woman killed after being hit by car Saturday, Grace Medical Center, formerly Bon Secours, unveils revamp of critical West Baltimore health center, Former Anne Arundel Executive James Lighthizer awarded National Humanities Medal in White House ceremony. Legislation Sponsorship Type Sort Chamber Sort; Bill/Chapter (Cross/Chapter) HB0004 Title Baltimore County - Career Exploration and Development Activities in Public High Schools - Prohibiting a Ban or Regulation of Sale of Coffee Sponsor Delegate Grammer. Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs, Baltimore County - Career Exploration and Development Activities in Public High Schools - Prohibiting a Ban or Regulation of Sale of Coffee, Education - Baltimore County Public Library - Collective Bargaining, Baltimore County - Workers' Compensation - Permanent Partial Disability - Detention and Correctional Officers, In the House - First Reading Economic Matters, Baltimore County – Board of Education – Election of Officers, Baltimore County - Nuisance Actions - Community Association, In the House - First Reading Environment and Transportation, Maryland Commission on Civil Rights - Employment Discrimination - Reporting, Baltimore County – Homestead Property Tax Credit Notice – Pilot Program, Real Property – Required Notices for Contracts of Sale – Zones of Dewatering Influence, Education – School Construction – Pedestrian Safety Plans (School Pedestrian Safety Act), Baltimore County - Alcoholic Beverages - Board of License Commissioners - Qualifications, In the Senate - First Reading Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs. “Government works best when leaders are responsive and accountable to all our constituents,” Olszewski said in a statement. Melissa Wells of Baltimore City and Del. Political Organization. The owner of any building containing 1, 2, or 3 residential rental units must install at least one direct-wired, electronically operated smoke detector in each unit. BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNTY COUNCIL OF BALTIMORE 2 COUNTY, MARYLAND, that the Baltimore County Zoning Regulations read as follows: 3 4 ARTICLE 4B: Adult Entertainment Businesses, Massage Establishments and 5 Tattoo or Body Piercing Establishments 6 §4B-102. Saying there is inadequate oversight to combat possible fraud, waste and abuse of power within Baltimore County Public Schools, County Executive … Baltimore County's council has passed reforms to its police department's use of force policies, including legislation that bans chokeholds and adds additional oversight measures. In the Senate - Hearing 1/28 at 11:00 a.m. BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNTY COUNCIL OF BALTIMORE 2 COUNTY, MARYLAND, that the Baltimore County Zoning Regulations read as follows: 3 4 SECTION 259. Baltimore County Councilman Julian Jones has given up for now on legislation that would have restricted when police could use no-knock warrants. He did not have the votes to get it through the county council, according to council members. Today Baltimore County has taken a critical—and united—next step toward equal justice. Baltimore County backs state legislation increasing oversight of county schools to prevent fraud, waste. Baltimore County Code, Title 2 - Fire Prevention Code, Rules, and Regulations § 14-2-201. Reports are typically available for the public to view online, but reports are currently unavailable due to the ransomware attack, he added. His spokesman, Sean Naron, said the bill, which has not yet been filed, was not motivated by any particular incident under superintendent Darryl L. Williams’ leadership. Baltimore County Police Reform Bill 96-20 has passed! Council Minutes; Legislation. Pat Young of District 44B, which surrounds Catonsville and Arbutus. Tuesday night, the council held a hearing on a reworked proposal that in its current form has the support of a majority of council members. By Taylor DeVille. The county’s Office of the Inspector General, created by Olszewski in 2019, has jurisdiction to investigate other county government agencies, including past practices. Location of adult entertainment businesses, massage establishments and tattoo or body Saying there is inadequate oversight to combat possible fraud, waste and abuse of power within Baltimore County Public Schools, County Executive Johnny Olszewski Jr. is pushing for a state bill that would empower the county inspector general to act with discretionary oversight of the school system. Increased employment opportunities for local residents will be critical as we continue our economic recovery. A special thanks to everyone who supported and advocated for this much needed legislation! You are about to download a "comma-separated values" (CSV) file and/or a JSON file. Downtown Towson District. The school system’s ethics panel also investigates complaints and issues opinions. BALTIMORE COUNTY — Baltimore County Executive Johnny Olszewski announced plans to introduce prevailing wage and local hiring legislation to support Baltimore County’s workforce and ensure workers hired for County-funded capital improvement projects receive competitive and fair wages. Baltimore County Council, Towson, Maryland, December 2018. Blue Wave Maryland. Read full article. The Baltimore Sun reports that the bills expected to … Baltimore County Council; Historic Courthouse 400 Washington Avenue Room 205 Towson, MD 21204 Second Floor. He did not have the votes to get it through the county council, according to council members. A special thanks to everyone who supported and advocated for this much needed legislation! The legislation was developed in consultation with law enforcement officials and Baltimore County firearm retail establishment owners, and is based on more stringent state safety requirements for medical cannabis facilities. Baltimore County’s council has passed reforms to its police department’s use of force policy, including legislation that bans the use of chokeholds and adds new oversight measures. Baltimore County librarians seek to unionize through legislation that’s going before General Assembly Citing a lack of transparency and communication from Baltimore County Public Library leadership and seeking healthcare benefits for almost half of the library system’s workforce, library employees are trying to … Sign In. Districts 5 § 259.16. In the Senate - Hearing 1/20 at 3:00 p.m. “Expanding the ability of the Inspector General to root out waste, fraud, and abuse within [the school system] is the natural next step in our work to make every corner of our government more open, accessible, and transparent to those we serve,” Olszewski said. This state legislation would ensure a regional … Baltimore County Council passed legislation Monday night that will set a standard pay rate and requirement to hire locally for contractors who win county-funded projects. Since 2019, Herndon said the school system’s internal audit office has handled 177 cases, but fewer than half “involved allegations of fraud, waste and abuse,” Herndon wrote in an email. The county school system has been rocked in recent years by controversy and fraud allegations. Baltimore County Police Reform Bill 96-20 has passed! And who ordered it? — Councilman Julian E. Jones Jr (@julianejonesjr) October 6, 2020. The bill is being sponsored by Sen. Kathy Klausmeier, a Democrat who represents the 8th District encompassing Towson, Parkville and Perry Hall, and Democrat Del. Last week, County Councilperson Wade Kach, a Republican representing Baltimore County librarians seek to unionize through legislation that’s going before General Assembly - Taylor DeVille. County Inspector General Kelly Madigan worked with her counterpart in the city of Baltimore last year to investigate inaccurate water billing that has been ongoing for years, finding a “fundamental lack of communication” between the county and city was a major factor. The Baltimore County Council is poised to vote on legislation next week that would reform the county police department. Baltimore County backs state legislation increasing oversight of county schools to prevent fraud, waste - Taylor DeVille. Today Baltimore County has taken a critical—and united—next step toward equal justice. (WJZ) — The Baltimore County Council narrowly approved legislation backed by County Executive Johnny Olszewski that prohibits … TOWSON, Md. Baltimore County State’s Attorney Scott Shellenberger calls Jones’ legislation unworkable. As the elected legislative body, the County Council is vested with all of the local law-making power as granted by the Baltimore County Charter and the General Assembly of Maryland. Baltimore Sun reporters Liz Bowie and Doug Donovan contributed to this report. It was nearly two months ago that the council shelved police reform legislation. County Council Bill 73-16 County Council Bill 73-16 (PDF), and the related Bill 83-16 (PDF), revised the regulations for the open space that is required to be provided by developers of residential projects. TOWSON, Md. Jones withdrew the bill Tuesday. — Councilman Julian E. Jones Jr (@julianejonesjr) October 6, 2020. The Baltimore County Council is poised to vote on legislation next week that would reform the county police department. BALTIMORE, MD (Monday, January 11, 2021) — This morning outside of the Johns Hopkins Metro, Baltimore Mayor Brandon M. Scott joined with Baltimore County Executive Johnny Olszewski, Anne Arundel County Executive Steuart Pittman, and Howard County Executive Calvin Ball to express support for the Transit Safety and Investment Act. Baltimore Sun Media | Jan 12, 2021 at 10:52 AM . Former schools superintendent Dallas Dance pleaded guilty to perjury in 2018 for failing to disclose income for part-time consulting work, including payments from a company he helped win a no-bid contract with the school system. The Baltimore County Council passed legislation Monday night that will prohibit police from using chokeholds and impose new oversight requirements on police department. Among a list of legislative priorities that include securing school construction dollars, enacting state-level police reform and creating a regional waste disposal facility, Olszewski wants to give the county inspector general the same authority afforded to the Maryland Office of the Inspector General for Education, a state position established in 2019 which investigates complaints against the state’s 24 school jurisdictions and boards of education and scrutinizes their compliance with state and federal law. This legislation would also require that at least 51 percent of all ... new jobs required to complete these projects are filled by county residents. Legislation; Calendar; City Council; Departments; People; Search: select: select file # text attachments other info Search Legislation : 0 records; File # Enactment # Type Status File Created Final Action Title; Please enter your search criteria. The Grading Regulations (PDF) contains Section 1.04 of the Code of the Baltimore County Regulations (COBAR) which was adopted on April 22, 2005, and pertains to excavating, grading, sediment control and forest management in Baltimore County. Baltimore County Councilman Julian Jones introduced on Friday a new measure on police reform that addresses hiring, use-of-force policies and police conduct. It was nearly two months ago that the council shelved police reform legislation. The Baltimore County Council passed legislation Monday night that will prohibit police from using chokeholds and impose new oversight requirements on police department. Phone: 410-887-3196 Fax: 410-887-5791 E-mail: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE August 7, 2019 Contact: Barbara Hopkins 443-377-3760 [email protected] Baltimore County Council Bill 37-19 Would Remove Loopholes in Adequate Public Facilities Law Governing Open Space NeighborSpace estimates well over $1 million “left on the table” since July 2016 Towson, MD – Today, NeighborSpace of Baltimore County applauded Councilmen Tom Quirk and […] Jan 12, 2021 . This state legislation would ensure a regional … The legislation would ensure that construction companies awarded County contracts for capital projects $300,000 and greater receive a standard rate of pay set by the State of Maryland’s annual wage determination surveys of construction company employers. The bill will be introduced in the County Council session scheduled for Monday, December 16. For five months, Project Baltimore has been asking why Baltimore County Schools shredded massive amounts of material during a 2018 financial audit? And most recently a catastrophic ransomware attack in November disrupted virtual school routines after Thanksgiving and hindered many administration functions with several issues still unresolved. In a statement, county schools spokesman Charles Herndon said the school system “takes seriously its obligation to use local and state funding responsibly and judiciously,” and is able to “ensure continued financial integrity” through existing channels, like the school system’s Office of Internal Audit, which reports to the Board of Education. Supported legislation to require notice for zoning and development meetings be posted on the Baltimore County Website Zoning and development Hearings Calendar and the Community Update Newsletter at least 15 days priori to the hearing. BALTIMORE COUNTY — Baltimore County Executive Johnny Olszewski announced plans to introduce prevailing wage and local hiring legislation to support Baltimore County’s workforce and ensure workers hired for County-funded capital improvement projects receive competitive and fair wages. BALTIMORE (WJZ) — Baltimore City is starting to implement its trauma care legislation that was signed last year. What was destroyed? Baltimore County backs state legislation increasing oversight of county schools to prevent fraud, waste. With so much discussion around police, policing and reform, this was a great time to invite Baltimore County Councilman Julian Jones Jr. from the 4th District to discuss his long background on the fire department side and what his legislation is all about for the future of our citizens. Baltimore County Council; Historic Courthouse 400 Washington Avenue Room 205 Towson, MD 21204 Second Floor. 2 1 SECTION 1. The legislation was developed in consultation with law enforcement officials and Baltimore County firearm retail establishment owners, and is based on more stringent state safety requirements for medical cannabis facilities. 2: 2: Bill/Chapter (Cross/Chapter) We still have more work to do. Sign In. Baltimore County Council Chairwoman Cathy Bevins, who voted to table the legislation, did not return a text asking for comment. (AP) — Baltimore County's council has passed reforms to its police department's use of force policies, including legislation that bans chokeholds and adds additional oversight measures. BALTIMORE (AP) — Democratic lawmakers and housing advocates in Maryland are eyeing legislation to extend restrictions on evictions and offer other protections to renters amid the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. Financial audit Project baltimore has been rocked in recent years by controversy and fraud allegations - Board of Education Election! 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