As for Acnologia well does have wings and flight, he can just wait till Might Guy destroys himself but even then Acnologia can … [99], Black Arts (黒魔法 Kuro Mahō): Zeref was able to master Black Magic and brought countless Demons to life. This makes me think that Zeref wants to kill Acnologia just because he wants to kill everything in the world. Alvarez arc: Natsu was able to blitz Zeref. Natsu, however, is caught par the wave. Fairy Tail: Dragon Cry The more they use that magic (generally the only kind of magic they know), the more that seed grows. [124], Bullet Magic: A Magic that Zeref uses to produce ballistic projectile of Magical energy out of his finger. Zeref then tells Gray that he has put himself in a situation that cause Natsu the most grief. [54] The power of the spell causes huge damage to the airship and slays Hades, sending him plummeting to the sea. [61], Zeref later appears at Tartaros' headquarters. Natsu catches on to the name of the Demon, noting it to be the one that Igneel wanted to kill, but Zeref corrects him, stating that the Dragon couldn't do so. Natsu then takes out the Heat Blade, claiming that he will be the one to defeat E.N.D. Deceased [67], Zeref then travels some distance, ending up near a cave in a remote mountain range, where he greets a human figure sitting on a rock, sarcastically mocking his lack of an arm and assuming human is his preferred form; Zeref is immediately questioned by the sitting Acnologia as to what he wants, however Zeref tells Acnologia that he desires destruction but causes very little of it, citing that he could rule the whole world if he wanted to, but does not, calling his motives unclear. Rahkeid and Zeref came at the fairy tail wizards. Zeref angered the gods, and as punishment received the Contradictory Curse, which emits a deadly aura that kills all he touches. One day, he and the dragons responsible for training Natsu and the other Dragon Slayers all mysteriously vanished, and no one ever saw them. Which means that Igneel did a bad job training Natsu lol. The blast subsided, revealing three dead bodies that stared blankly at the sky. A one-stop shop for all things video games. Shown in the photo is the promotional image of the anime version of "Fairy Tail." He decided to send them both away to be taught by dragons. Hearing that Natsu doesn't believe anything he is saying, rebutting Zeref's claims with statements he has heard elsewhere, Zeref reveals that Igneel couldn't kill Natsu because he loved him too much, and that Mard Geer was the one who created Tartaros after finding E.N.D. 400 years ago the Black Wizard Zeref created E.N.D and E.L.D. He leaves him and he’s teleported away along with all the other dragon slayers. Though we didn’t know why at the time, this barrier was able to keep Natsu trapped. After all, the visual design of a character informs the traits a given character will have in a story. Male Though he is nearly frozen, Natsu arrives and stops Gray from finishing the spell, which frees Zeref. Natsu isn't technically the one who finally defeats Zeref. During the Battle of Fairy Tail, we see Natsu trapped inside of a barrier that is supposed to only hold people over 80 years old inside. Though he’s accessed both of these powers multiple times, its never been something he could turn on and off like other shonen protagonists - they always happen during extreme duress. ", Zeref Dragneel Debuts Despite being hundreds of years old, Zeref has the appearance of a young man. [53] While there, Zeref reveals that he was never "asleep", but, rather, he was always "awake". Catchphrase: "I'm … The sphere around Natsu breaks because Natsu destroyed it finally. Zeref is a character from the Fairy Tail anime and manga. Zeref says the other explanations, such as Zeref's connection to Igneel and how Natsu came to be in his care, will be saved for another time but this is a huge bombshell. "Zeref!" Transformations are a time-honored part of shonen action series. Zeref often kills with no prior incentive or knowledge. Natsu, however, is caught by the wave. Happy- Overheard Zeref tell Natsu of their relationship and learned of Natsu's status as E.N.D., disbelieved Zeref's words at first however, he learned the truth after Zeref shot a hole through the book of E.N.D. "I had no reason to come to this age. He’s never caught without it, which becomes touching when we learn that his scarf is actually made from the scales of his foster parent, the Fire Dragon Igneel. [46] Zeref himself, however, is powerless against Ultear in his sleeping state and is defeated by her, being warned to not underestimate her as she is the eldest of the Seven Kin of Purgatory. Zerefu Doraguniru He was then begged to kill her, but refused on the grounds that he couldn't even if he wanted to. DC: 10 Things You Didn't Know About Infinity Inc. 10 Most Powerful Siblings In The Marvel Universe, WandaVision: 10 Facts About Each Main Character You Need To Know, 10 Marvel Characters Who Are A Better Match For Spider-Man Than MJ (In The Comics), 5 Ways The Joker Is The Greatest Villain In The DC Universe (& 5 He's Not), X-Men: First 10 Characters Who Died In The Comics (In Chronological Order), Spider-Man: 10 Important Storylines That Have Never Been Adapted, X-Men: The 10 Worst Things The ‘90s Gold Squad Has Ever Done, Spider-Man: First 10 Times Peter Parker Was Unmasked (In Chronological Order). dragon slayer. [88] After Makarov's casting of Fairy Law, Zeref asks Irene what the status of their troops are; he learns their numbers have been reduced by seventy to eighty percent. Natsu yelled, charging towards the hideout. Zeref Dragneel is one of the two main antagonists turnedanti-hero of the anime/manga series Fairy Tail, alongsideAcnologia. [21], Orphaned after Dragons killed his parents and his little brother, Natsu,[22] an extremely young Zeref became a student at the Mildian Magic Academy, where he researched the connections between life, death and Magic to revive his brother. tribute. Read chapters 436, 464 and 465. ... One Blow* added by KEISUKE_URAHARA. The lead of Rave Master was named Haru, after the Spring. Especially from the side of Zeref. I'm back in the game,"Natsu said grinning. 2 *Long Waited Destiny : Zeref vs Natsu* added by KEISUKE_URAHARA. [125] (Unnamed), Enchantment (付加術 Fukajutsu): Zeref has been shown to be a master Enchanter. Even wild animals and plants die around him, unless he suppresses his love for all living things. Arcadios says he is preparing something called the Eclipse Project which requires Yukino Agria and Lucy Heartfilia's Golden Zodiac Keys. Zeref's younger brother died a few years after birth. 's tome to inflict pain unto Natsu, thus proving their link. He can later be unlocked as a playable character by completing the game's exclusive arc.[136]. Arcadios intends to use Lucy and Yukino's Celestial Spirit Magic to travel back in time and kill Zeref before he can transform Acnologia into a Dragon and before he can be immortal. 400+[3] Episode 96 [56] As the airship continues to fly onward, Zeref witnesses Acnologia destroying Tenrou Island and shuts his eyes, stating, tearfully, that Natsu's journey has ended. English Voice Emperor of the Alvarez Empire Mage [18], Nevertheless, Zeref is also shown to be a man of the people as the Emperor of Alvarez, and is shown to display good will and friendliness towards his generals and subjects, which is also reflected in their opinion of him, sincerely cheering and welcoming him as he returns to the capital after a long absence. Natsu was able to escape this effect due to having Igneel's scarf … [60], With his attitude growing more solemn by the minute, Zeref looks down and asks Mavis how many times people have repeated the mistakes of the past, but is told that despite that, humans will continue to live on. Fairy Tail 525 seems like another challenging chapter where you don't know if you should like or dislike. Happy soon swore to find a way to defeat Zeref without endangering Natsu's life. Ultear then says that they have the key which will awaken him; Zeref begs Ultear to stop, but she ignores him and revels in her victory. Zeref then adds that if the current era is about to end, that he may awaken once more, and wishes for Natsu to kill him before that time occurs. Natsu tries to avoid them, but Zeref gets creative in his placements for his curses to activate. Standing back up, Zeref says that he is having fun even though humanity is doomed if he doesn't kill Natsu; attributing his feelings to the Curse of Contradiction, the Black Wizard reiterates his joy. The mystery of Fairy Tail for much of the series has been where Natsu’s foster parent, Igneel has been. Natsu is shocked, Zeref continues that around 400 years ago their parents were killed by a dragon’s flame, his brother was also killed. posted by camiile. and then natsu should get all pissed and shit, like god of war. After this, Zeref wished to die and wandered around, creating the Etherious in the hopes that they would kill him, but instead turned to reviving his dead brother, having preserved his body, as an Etherious, thus fulfilling his goal of bringing his brother back and creating something that could kill him: E.N.D. While Yajeel grieves over his grandson Ajeel's supposed death and Invel remarks on the fact that not just one, but two Spriggan were killed, Zeref shuts them off, telling the two that neither Brandish or Ajeel are actually dead and that therein lies the enemy's weakness. He went even further, saying that over in his nation, he is the emperor and Ankhseram's Curse doesn't affect anyone there, as they are nothing more than pawns to him; Mavis questioned his reason to build a nation, and he explained that it's preparation for battle, which he stated he hates, though he added that he only lives to die and that he wants to see his brother, though such thoughts began to hurt his head. [25] Zeref was described as having alighted in an ancient land, mastered Black Magic, given birth to tens of thousands of Demons, and thrown the world into chaos. Zeref is bored, so he sends harmless curses to his brother, Natsu, along with a note each week. Mainly so Natsu could end Zeref of his eternal torment, and he thinks it would help pay for all of destruction he has caused. However, his attack is deflected by the aura surrounding Zeref, cutting the blade in half. Acnologia then gives a sly grin as Zeref tells him to wait for the ultimate clash between human, Dragon, and immortal to approach. [83][84], Zeref then notes that it's been 100 years since the two of them met like this, but before their discussion can continue, Mavis' body is frozen by Invel. No one knows END is a DS other than Zeref, Natsu and Happy. After all, he’s in nearly every episode and featured prominently in all the arcs since the very beginning. I'm not an enemy to anyone. Also, I'd bet that Acnologia and Zeref both became who they now are, one cursed with death magic and the other as a dragon, in the same event? added by NeoNightclaw19. 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