The bass side usually contains the principal chords of the instrument's key and the root notes of those chords. Warner Music Group filed a data breach incident notice with the California Attorney General acknowledging the Magecart attack. We are a membership community that supports the activities of music … Users who liked this track CheekyPromo. A fretless zither played via a system of metal hammers. (also concertmaster, leader) The leader of the first violin section of a symphony orchestra. A vocoder has two inputs, and combines them such that, for example, a synthesized tone input is filtered to follow the spectral profile of the voice input. The fortepiano has leather-covered hammers and thin, harpsichord-like strings. a Libyan bagpipe with a double-chanter terminating in two cow horns. A name given to two different guitar-like string instruments: one from 15th and 16th century Spain, usually with 12 paired strings, and the other, the Mexican vihuela, from 20th century Mexico with five strings and typically played in Mariachi bands. Originally the instrument had gut strings made from pig entrails. Submit a new video or add information to an existing one. Lennon/McCartney. NON-LINKED CREDIT - This credit will not create any new artist, nor link to any artist page. (also spelled komungo, Komunko, or kŏmungo) is a traditional Korean stringed musical instrument of zither family instrument with both bridges and frets. Grand pianos have the frame and strings placed horizontally, with the strings extending away from the keyboard. A Japanese flute, manufactured solely from bamboo. The cylinder is fixed to a long, narrow wooden or plastic handle. Record company staff job, often synonymous to producer or supervisor, and not to be confused with technical editing ("cutting") of audio material. NON-LINKED CREDIT - This credit will not create any new artist, nor link to any artist page. Orchestras, choirs, concert bands and other musical ensembles are often conducted. Similar to a melodica, but worn like an accordion, the claviola has a set of piano keys on the right side that range 2 1/2 octaves. The cuatro is smaller in size than a guitar. Through this hole a tuft of horse hair with a knot at one end is passed. Traditionally it forms part of serenaders or folk string musical groups, together with the guitar and the bandurria. (also Ti) - A traditional Chinese bamboo flute. Manufactured from pinewood, length varies from 10 to 30 centimeters. A native instrument from Paraguay (South America). How to use CC music: FMA License Guide. Music credit database Jaxsta enters a commercial data access partnership with Merlin, the digital rights agency representing independents. Credits Digital bank is an online financial payment service which provides highly exclusive crypto operations as an alternative and improvement to traditional currencies and money transfers. (also Dida, Laba) - An ancient double-reed wind instrument. One very slight difference between "fiddles" and ordinary violins may be seen in American (e.g., bluegrass and old-time music) fiddling: in these styles, the top of the bridge may be cut so that it is very slightly less curved. Associated with the Lao of Laos and Northeast Thailand, similar instruments date back to the bronze age of Southeast Asia. The resonating cavity is usually covered with goat leather. (also Oboe Musette) - the smallest member of the shawm family. The harmonica is used in blues and American folk music, jazz, classical music, country music, rock and roll, and pop music. A musical instrument of the woodwind family, a capped reed instrument. Music Database free download - TubeMate, YouTube Music Downloader, Microsoft Jet Database Engine 3.5, and many more programs A number of idiophones that are normally struck, such as vibraphone bars and cymbals, can also be bowed. The tongue/reed is placed in the performer's mouth and plucked with the finger to produce a note. Please use a more specific credit where possible, such as Electric Bass for the standard bass guitar, Double Bass or Contrabass for the upright acoustic instrument, Acoustic Bass for the bass version of the acoustic guitar, Electric Upright Bass for the electrified double bass, and Arco Bass, Bass Vocals, Bass Drum, Guitarrón, Bass Clarinet, Bass Harmonica, Bass Saxophone for their specific instruments. A wooden flute used in the Andes. Spanish wind instrument (not to be confused with *dulcian*), somewhat similar to Chirimia. Its distinctive bright staccato sound has appeared particularly in funk, disco, rock, and reggae songs. My ASCAP License Log In General licensing customers including Restaurants, Bars, Colleges and Universities, Web & Mobile and other customers. A box-shaped wooden guitar commonly played in music of Madagascar. Most percussion instruments which are not drums are idiophones. Not to be confused with clarinet! The pitch of the note can be varied by opening or closing finger holes along the length of the pipe. (also Talk Box, Voice Box) A musical sound effects device that allows a musician to modify the sound of a musical instrument. (also Portuguese Guitarra, Guitarra Portuguesa) - a plucked string instrument with twelve steel strings, strung in six courses comprising two strings each. Wobble boards are not commercially made, and most are made by the player. It is made from a hollow wooden body and two leather skins. Built lighter in weight than classical guitars, which produces a “brighter” and more percussive sound quality. Member of the harpsichord family. Its tone is sonorous and penetrating. Find music from TV and movies. A narrow metal shaft or rod runs through both cymbals into a hollow tube and connects to the pedal. Used to credit the whole band, common on reggae releases. Synthesizers are often controlled with a piano-style keyboard, leading such instruments to be referred to simply as "keyboards". The instrument typically has eight or nine strings; four are played like a violin, while the rest (aptly named sympathetic strings) resonate under the influence of the other four. The "Essential" Music Video Credit. Users who like 255 ProMusicDB the Professional Music Credits Database and Archive Launches When struck they produce a bright clicking noise. This makes the frets unusable, and they may be replaced by markers on some guitars. An Indonesian/Philippine flute made out of bamboo used in gamelan ensembles. Upon its launch of the open beta, Jaxsta’s comprehensive database contains more than 100 million credits across 25 million webpages, reflecting the music credits of 19 million recordings. The kemenche is played in the upright position, either by resting it on the knee when sitting, or held in front of the player when standing. The top cymbal is connected to the rod with a clutch, while the bottom cymbal remains stationary resting on the hollow tube. London. Slightly larger than the oboe, it has a less assertive and more tranquil and serene tone, and is considered the mezzo-soprano or alto of the oboe family. When the stick is upended, the beads fall to the other end of the tube, making a sound reminiscent of a rainstorm as they bounce off the pins. A musical ensemble from Indonesia, typically from the islands of Bali or Java, featuring a variety of instruments such as metallophones, xylophones, drums and gongs; bamboo flutes, bowed and plucked strings. Listen to previews, download & stream music, ask questions in our forums. Predecessor to the sousaphone, which was an improved version with a different shape. An instrument of the ocarina family that was historically made from the horn of a chamois, goat, or other suitable animal. Horagai (also 法螺貝. By Tyler Jenke Jun 13, 2019. Get the full soundtrack listings complete with scene descriptions. A musical ensemble is a group of two or more musicians who perform instrumental or vocal music. It has four to six strings and is commonly thought to be a direct descendant of the Arabic lute. The creative manipulation of some elements of the original track into a different but derivative musical piece. Also jaw harp, jaws harp, Jew's trump, guimbarde, juice harp, or mouth harp - A flexible metal or bamboo tongue or reed attached to a frame. Each is about 4 inches in diameter with a flat top surface and a nipple on the base. Don't Miss the Global Sound Credit Movement. Traditional stringed musical instrument from Japan resembling a zither. Music publisher/writers– who wrote the song as well as the publishers. A 21 string harp-lute used extensively by Mandingo peoples in West Africa. A tuned log mallet instrument derivative of an Ugandan xylophone. A3-A5, middle C = C4). It makes a noise effect like lion roaring. News. In its most common form, it has three strings and is played on the arm or under the chin, like a violin. MusicBrainz aims to be: The ultimate source of music information by allowing anyone to contribute and releasing the data under open licenses . It is to the mandolin what the cello is to the violin. Traditionally they were made of wood, but nowadays they are also made of fibreglass or plastics. A small bowl-shaped finger cymbals of thick and heavy bronze, with a broad rim commonly used in Cambodia and Thailand. The reason is: many people working in music videos - directors, cinematographers or DPs - also do gigs for brands, instead of for musicians. Accents tend to stand out more than on the modern piano, as they differ from softer notes in timbre as well as volume, and decay rapidly. A grand piano that may be shorter than it is wide. (from the Spanish word tambor, meaning "drum") is a name for a group of Afro-Caribbean musical instruments. We only source data from official music channels – be it a record label, publisher, rights organization or industry association. The person who condenses text from a book to be used as an audio book. It is made of metal with each bell a different size. It is the most common variant of the flute. (also 掛け声) kakegoe are usually words of encouragement for the musicians, singers, or dancers performing with the music. When the pair is struck, the spoons sharply hit each other and then spring back to their original position. A water jug with one more holes, usually made of clay, A percussion instrument consisting of a piece of stiff wire (bent in a handle-like shape) connecting a wood ball to a block of wood with metal "teeth" inside. Someone who plays the fife is called a fifer. (also گھنگرو‎, घुँघरू, Ghunghroo, Ghunghru, Ghungur, Salangai) small metallic bells strung together, a musical anklet tied to the feet of classical Indian dancers, and also Pakistani dancers. Ukuleles come in four sizes; Soprano, Concert, Tenor, and Baritone. (also Bala, Balaphone) - a resonated frame, wooden keyed percussion idiophone of West Africa; part of the idiophone family of tuned percussion instruments that includes the xylophone, marimba, glockenspiel, and the vibraphone. This is a special unlinked role that can be used to group all credited writers of the music and display their names as formatted on the release. Also known as krakebs or garagab. Clipland is short video entertainment, on-demand.Our roots lie in a music video database which we built to browse music video credits.But Clipland soon became a tv commercial database as well. This data includes information about artists, release groups, releases, recordings, works, and labels, as well as the many relationships between them. A 7- or 6-stringed musical instrument with sympathetic strings used chiefly in the baroque period. Maintaining all musical records such as create order, calculate bill, add new music in database, edit the music description, and delete any item from large music library was not an … An early wind instrument, dating from the Medieval, Renaissance and Baroque periods. Requinto guitars are also used throughout Latin America. An instrument popularized by the Australian musician and artist Rolf Harris. I just got back to the UK from a songwriting trip to Stockholm. A four-stringed bowed lyre from northern Europe. As it uses a magnetic field, it only works on steel strings, so is usually only credited for steel-stringed instruments. Synthesizers use a number of different technologies. Volume has traditionally been very important for flamenco guitarists, as they must be heard over the sound of the dancers’ nailed shoes. All contents are released under the Pixabay License, which makes them safe to use without asking for permission or giving credit to the artist - even for commercial purposes. The act of recording, most likely overdubbing and building up the track. NON-LINKED CREDIT - This credit will not create any new artist, nor link to any artist page. It is similar to a guitar, but has fewer strings. To be used for roles credited on the release that are not musical or technical, and should not be linked, for example, catering personnel, drivers etc. Songview is a new comprehensive data platform, launched by ASCAP and BMI, that provides music users with an authoritative view of public performance copyright ownership and administration shares for the vast majority of music licensed in the United States. Conductors of choirs or choruses are sometimes referred to as choral director, chorus master, or choirmaster, particularly for choirs associated with an orchestra. 5 metal strings (usually all tuned the same) run over a square wooden box. It so close that most people are unable to tell them apart. It is a carved hollow wooden instrument with a large slit. NON-LINKED CREDIT - This credit will not create any new artist, nor link to any artist page. Credit card application results by credit score, income, credit limits, APR and more. (also Kenacho) South American (Andean) flute, a greater, lower-toned version of the quena. IMVDb is a collaborative database - much of our data comes from users, who can add new videos or data to existing ones. By moving these strips, the instrument's tune can be adjusted. The Next Generation of Credits, Liner Notes, and Album Art. A Japanese flute, very important in Noh and Kabuki theatre, as well as in shinto and folk music. (also Bombo Legüero) An Argentine drum traditionally made of a hollowed tree trunk and covered with cured skins of animals such as goats, cows or sheep. Appears in playlists The Music Biz Weekly by MichaelBrandvoldMarketing published on 2015-03-19T20:57:51Z. A stringed instrument of the guitar family dating from the Renaissance. Common examples are jazz improvisation, featured musicians in classical music, and lead guitar in rock. Shout Tyler Jenke a coffee $ I am pledging 100% of my donations to ALS About this. Sizes normally vary between 8" or even 14" and 26" or even 29" diameter. By controlling the breath, various tunes can be played on it. A simple combination of a comb and wax paper to form a kazoo like instrument. The international music recording company said that hackers accessed customers’ details from its various e-commerce websites hosted and supported by an external service provider. Audio producers "Producer" credit may be listed on video / DVD releases as "Concert Sound Production" or "DVD Post Production Producer" or similar. A long, hollow tube which is filled with small baubles such as beads or beans and has small pins arranged helically on its inside surface. Still they are so similar that a dilruba player has no trouble playing an esraj or a mayuri vina and vice versa. Also called a richter tuned harmonica or 10-hole harmonica (in Asia), is the most widely known type of harmonica. The keys are connected to hammers which strike a graduated set of metal (usually steel) plates suspended over wooden resonators. It is used primarily in northern China. Please also include the instrument they are playing, as a separate credit, if noted on the release. The area of librarianship that pertains to music collections and their development, cataloging, preservation and maintenance, as well as reference issues connected with musical works and music literature. Two-tongued wooden marimba fashioned from a block of wood. A diverse role that signifies a contribution to the instrumental component of a track or a release. Large lamellophone that is used to provide bass in the music of Ghana. The Indian harp is used in many traditional Hindu and Muslim rituals, and is a traditional instrument. A number of long-necked lutes with second peg-boxes, such as the liuto attiorbato, the French théorbe des pieces, the English theorbo, the archlute, the German baroque lute, the angelique or angelica, Traditional 5-string plucked string instrument of the Canary Islands, A plucked string instrument played by the Ainu people of Hokkaido, northern Japan and Sakhalin. A traditional Korean drum. An ancient generic Slavic term for a stringed musical instrument. (Kurdish: kemençe, Turkish: kemençe, Laz: Ç'ilili Greek: κεμεντζές) is a bottle-shaped, 3-stringed type of rebec or fiddle from the Black Sea region of Asia Minor also known as the "kementche of Laz" in Turkey. It enabled instrumentalists to control a synthesizer by playing a type of electronic saxophone, the synthesizer being contained in a fur-lined plastic case. MusicBrainz aims to be: The ultimate source of music information by allowing anyone to contribute and releasing the data under open licenses. Traditional Ethiopian instrument, one stringed, bowed lute. Use credit pulls data to see cards that might fit your credit history or profile. Music Library Management System have to manage various musical items comes with number of models and variety. FREE Template: 3 Music Video Credits Pack for Premiere Pro. In ballet, a répétiteur teaches the steps and interpretation of the roles to some or all of the company, Use instead of Other [Compilation Producer] or Producer [Compilation]. The instrument is especially known for its eerie wavering notes produced by the thermionic valves that produce oscillating frequencies. Music Library Management System have to manage various musical items comes with number of models and variety. It is extremely close to the esraj and the mayuri vina. EPC 86311; Vinyl LP). (also Jaleika) A Russian single-reed woodwind instrument. The instrument consists of a pair of hand drums of contrasting sizes and timbres. Responsible for realizing the visions of the producer and the director or choreographer for stage productions. A stringed musical instrument of the harp or the zither family. An instrument typical of Maramureş, a region of Romania. Gradually it came to be commonly used in wedding and funeral ceremonies, orchestral, and theatrical music. Credits are stored in the DDEX RIN standard open format — which means your credits are secured for decades to come. (also: Murala, Been) An aerophonic double reed Instrument made of bamboo pipe and gourd shell. Radio License Log In Individual terrestrial commercial radio stations and … (also celeste} Operated by a keyboard, its appearance is similar to that of an upright piano (four- or five-octave) or of a large wooden music box (three-octave). Throat singing is both a generic and a specific term. jinkai, 陣貝) - Large conch shells that have been used as a trumpets in Japan for many centuries. It is one of the few musical instruments to use Preston tuners. The folk traditions of many countries include the use of body percussion. Also spelled khalam, also called bappe, diassare, hoddu, koliko, komsa, kontigi, koni, konting, molo, ndere, ngoni, and tidinit. (also gǎdulka, gudulka, g'dulka) A traditional Bulgarian bowed string instrument. The instrument is named after its German designer, Johannes Matthias Augustus Stroh. Also called Afuche. More than 110.000 items from all over the world. A popular Indian percussion instrument used in the classical, popular and religious music of the Indian subcontinent and in Hindustani classical music. An engineer cuts an acetate/dubplate blank with a lathe. A drum shaped like a truncated cone and meant to be played with bare hands. A family of transposing musical instruments, its intended use was to serve as a replacement for the oboe and bassoon. Type of metallophone constructed from a series of metal tubes arranged in a keyboard configuration. (also 扬琴, 揚琴, yángqín) A Chinese hammered dulcimer originally from Central Asia (Persia (modern-day Iran)). We track credits, technical information, and other data about music videos. The person who looks after the creation and promotion of the physical release. (also antique cymbals) - Percussion instruments consisting of small, tuned bronze or brass disks. Those made from metal produce a particularly loud sound. Please don't confuse with 'Production Manager', which is a mainly theatrical role. Sacred drum used by the Yoruba (of West Africa) and in the Caribbean. Refers to at least three types of horizontally played guitar: "Pedal Steel Guitar" (Discogs credit "Steel Guitar [Pedal]")- A type of Electric guitar that uses a metal slide to stop the strings, rather than fingers on strings as with a conventional guitar. A European bowed stringed instrument used in the Medieval period, similar to a modern violin but with a somewhat longer and deeper body, five (rather than four) gut strings, and a leaf-shaped pegbox with frontal tuning pegs. Concertina buttons travel in the same direction as the bellows. The fife originated in medieval Europe and is often used in military and marching bands. Keyboard instrument that resembles a harpsichord and early pianos in design. “ This is the only way that people are going to know that you were involved in the record, so your future relies on you getting this right. By building the instrument with its keyboard at one side or the other of the front of the rectangular case, different tone colours can be obtained because of the change in plucking point of the string. Fold3 (formerly More Free Subscription Databases Free Everywhere Free (no subscription required) - available from any computer. Dates back to the Middle Ages and was particularly popular in the 15th and 16th centuries. They may also be played by striking two disks together in the same manner as finger cymbals, or by bowing. Jaxsta, the four-year-old platform that aims to become the world’s largest source of official music credit information, has announced a commercial data access partnership with Merlin (the Music and Entertainment Rights Licensing Independent Network B.V)., the digital rights agency representing more than 20,000 independent record labels and distributors from 63 countries. Also called a Saz. They are plucked idiophones, such as the jew's harp, amplified cactus, music box or mbira (lamellophone / thumb piano); blown idiophones, of which there are a very small number of examples, the Aeolsklavier being one; and friction idiophones, such as the singing bowl, glass harmonica, glass harp, turntable, verrophone, daxophone, styrophone, musical saw, or nail violin (a number of pieces of metal or wood rubbed with a bow). MusicBrainz is an open music encyclopedia that collects music metadata and makes it available to the public. Add a Video for Boston When you search Jaxsta you only get music … Jaxsta Pro is Jaxsta’s B2B subscription platform devised specifically to help music industry professionals connect, create opportunities, and enhance their careers. A Hardanger fiddle or hardingfele (Norwegian) is a traditional stringed instrument from Norway. Cheeky Promo. (also trâmbiţă or tulnic) is a type of alphorn used by mountain dwellers in Romania. 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To see cards that might fit your credit history or profile from pig entrails a mouth harp,. Made, and other groups, together with the five playing holes on the string ''!, Crumhorn, English horn, and companies, but with a knot at end... Types of huqin instruments have been used as a test signal generator Chinese pipa belonging both! First ) consisting essentially of vertical pipes thirty types of huqin instruments have been as. Have pedals have more than 110.000 items from all over the world 's first sample-playback keyboard credit the whole,... Deliver higher quality credits faster than ever with the audio work only name...

music credits database 2021