The following are local branches of foreign universities. This course focuses on building inclusive learning environments. Master of Science in Special Education. The revised Master of Early Childhood Education Programme (MECED) has been designed with special care to meet the needs of experienced educators who aspire to become trainers, mentors, coaches and professional developers within individual childcare centres/kindergartens or within larger organisations that provide early childhood care and education (ECCE) services. M.Ed. The most sought-after overseas experiences. A recognised non-cognate Bachelor Degree with a credit average together with 2 or more years of full-time relevant informal learning. The program can be normally completed in a minimum of 1 academic year. Any reference to the term “Kaplan Singapore” on our website is used to collectively describe the Kaplan entities in Singapore, Kaplan Higher Education Academy and Kaplan Higher Education Institute. Standard monthly instalments (principal and interest) will commence thereafter. Sharing Sessions at NIE Postgraduate Fair 2016. For international applicants, more information on the entry requirements can be found here. You have so much to give. In case we missed your call - leave your contact details for our consultants to get back to you. Special education isn’t necessarily all teaching all the time. Faculty are committed to promoting practices that facilitate inclusion, empowerment, and Madam Faezah, a teacher at the Cerebral Palsy Alliance Singapore School (CPASS), said she has never thought of teaching in a mainstream school. Compulsary education duration: Number of years students are required to be enrolled in school for all levels of education. SPE209 Special Needs in the Early Years examines special needs in the early years of childdevelopment. Applicants who are currently working with sponsors, donors or financial institutions to fund their studies, are encouraged to submit their applications early to NIE so as not to miss out on our application period. Click here for Terms and Conditions for Rebates and Offers, There are 2 intakes per year. I have also brought with me the good practices from my Choice of flexible repayment schemes available to suit your needs, Flexible repayment tenure of up to 8 years. Application period is from 9 November 2020 – 8 January 2021. Hence, not all specialisation courses are available for selection to every intake. While schools often hire educators with a bachelor's degree, states may require candidates to hold a graduate degree to earn advanced certification. Each unit consists of 20 contact hours and will be conducted on week 4 or week 5 of the term, from Thursday till Sunday, after office hours in the evenings and/or over the weekends/public holidays. The University's fees are reviewed and adjusted periodically to reflect the approximate cost of providing education to students. From 2021, you can choose from three specialisations within the Master of Education: Mental Health and Wellbeing; Learning and Teaching; Educational Leadership; Each specialisation consists of four units designed to equip you with in-depth knowledge of your chosen area. It will last one to two years and you will be provided with the academic title Master of Education. Fully online self-paced study offers employed students the time flexibility needed to … Important note for matriculated students: You are advised to take note of the prerequisites (if any) before registering. The SIM University was restructured in 2017 as the Singapore University of Social Sciences (SUSS) and became under the regulation of Singapore's Ministry of Education. The coursework allows for specialization in a variety of areas within the field of Special Education. More details can be found here. Standard monthly instalments (principal and interest) will commence thereafter. Partial Repayment: Pay partial instalments for up to 3 years or till the end of your programme, whichever is earlier. At least THREE years of teaching experience or other relevant working experience in education. By submitting your request for prospectus, you have given your consent for a Kaplan representative to contact you. The Degree awards will be the same as that awarded to the on-campus graduates. ); SIM University (Restructured into the Singapore University of Social Sciences (SUSS) and brought under the ambit of the Ministry of Education in 2017. (for administrative enquiries related to admissions and application), E-mail: Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA), Singapore Chartered Accountant (Singapore CA), Chartered Alternative Investment Analyst (CAIA), Level: Master's Degree, The Synergy Pod - Classroom of the Future, Preparatory Course for Chartered Financial Analyst® (CFA) Exam, Preparatory Course For Singapore CA Qualification, Certified Application Security Engineer (CASE.Net), Certified Threat Intelligence Analyst (C|TIA), Computer Hacking Forensic Investigator (CHFI), EC-Council Certified Security Specialist (ECSS), EC-Council Certified Security Analyst (ECSA), Python for Data Analytics and Visualisation, Big Data Analytics using Spark and Databricks, Microsoft Azure Machine Learning Workshop, Cloud Computing using Amazon Web Services and DevOps, Computer Vision using OpenCV and Tensorflow, Wiley Certified Design Thinking Practitioner, Professional Certificate in Digital Analytics, Professional Search Engine Marketer Certificate, Professional Social Media Marketer Certificate, Data Storytelling and Visualisation in Power BI, Data Storytelling and Visualisation in Tableau, Data Management and Analysis in Excel & SQL. See more information on Testing For Learning Disabilities. This course addresses the professional learning needs of educators, educational administrators, managers, policy makers and others interested or involved in learning and education or educational work in the wider community, and who may be based either locally or internationally. Website. A ‘special needs’ student may be hearing or visually impaired, autistic, or have concentration or behavioral issues. (for specific academic enquiries related to the programme such as curriculum requirements), NTU Reg No: 200604393R. Click here for the application details for January 2022 intake. The program achieves this through group exercises, extensive educational theories, and individualized instruction. The degree of Master of Education is generally offered on a part-time basis although full-time studies are also available for some specialisations. The coursework for this specialisation comprises 1 core course, 2 required specialisation courses, 2 specialisation elective courses, 1 open elective course plus either: MED 902 Integrative Project is open only for applicants pursuing the degree totally by coursework. Your passion for supporting children with special needs can help them achieve academic success. Analysing Reports and Data – Made Simple! The top two universities in Singapore are the National University of Singapore (NUS) and the Nanyang Technological University (NTU). Search Postgraduate Masters Degrees in Special Needs Education in Singapore, Singapore. Click to view English language requirements. T&Cs apply. It enables you to establish the nexus of educational theories and practices for developing a curriculum and pedagogy that meet your pupils’ diverse needs. Introduction of Master of Education (Special Education / Early Childhood / High Ability Studies) Programme, NIE - the place to be for your learning journey, Developing your passion into mastery with NIE, Master of Education (Special Education) experience by Lim Ai Lay, Sharing Sessions at NIE Postgraduate Fair 2016, Higher Degrees in Early Childhood, High Ability Studies and Special Education. Plan your studies abroad now. Tuition fees for Masters programmes in Singapore can be expensive, but the exact amount you pay will depend upon the university you apply to and the subject area you are working within. experience as a mainstream principal which will add value to the school. Students specialise in theories of, and approaches to, inclusion of diverse learners with particular cultural, social, cognitive and emotional needs across learning contexts. An institute of the Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore. If you are looking for an international schooling system that will push academic children, you have found the right country. More information on required documents for application can be found here. 8 in 10 of our undergraduates go on study-abroad programmes with over 300 top universities in more than 40 countries. For more sharing sessions videos taken at NIE Postgraduate Fair 2016, please click here. The fees above have been updated and are accurate as of 5 November 2020. This course addresses the professional learning needs of educators, educational administrators, managers, policy makers and others interested or involved in learning and education or educational work in the wider community, and who may be based either locally or internationally. I agree to Privacy Policy, International students can find a full list of our, {"consultant_wp_code":"","consultant_wufoo_form_code":"","consultant_wufoo_form_height":""}, Master of Education in Early Childhood Education, Master of Education in Educational Leadership and Policy, Kaplan City Campus @ GR.ID (formerly PoMo). Click for reasons to choose Monash University. 3 institutions in Singapore offering Special Education degrees and courses. Once the situation improves, arrangements will be made to reinstate classroom delivery in full. All Rights Reserved. Education (Special Educational Needs) MA About the course This MA is designed for practising professionals, or those interested in research, in special educational needs and disability (SEND) – usually in schools, the lifelong learning sector and universities. Applications are to be made online. The one-year, 36-credit curriculum includes coursework in the foundations of educational research, instructional technology for special education, and assistive and instructional technology. Preparatory Course for Pearson LCCI Level 2 Certificate in Business Fundamentals, Preparatory Course for Pearson LCCI Level 3 Certificate in Business Principles and Practice (LCCI), The Synergy Pod – Classroom of the Future, Terms and Conditions for Rebates and Offers, Journal of Applied Learning & Teaching (JALT). Standard Repayment: Pay your monthly instalments (principal and interest) once your loan is disbursed. Graduate programs in Special Education provide applicants with skills in using research, and scholarly and professional literatures which enable them to better meet the academic, psychological and socialization needs of students with special needs. 5 institutions in Malaysia offering Masters Degrees Special Education degrees and courses. Optional Specialisation Courses are offered subject to demand and availability of faculty expertise. Students are encouraged to check with their school […] Master of Education in Inclusive and Special Education. Applicants must have successfully completed one of the following: Students who have completed a non-cognate Bachelor degree with no relevant informal learning may apply for entry into the Graduate Certificate of Education Studies. Special needs pre-schools and main schools in Singapore for children with Autism spectrum, Aspergers, Dyslexia, ADHD, behavioral and verbal issues, helping children back into main line schools. For example, primary school students start by learning to know and love Singapore. Nanyang University (Merged with the University of Singapore to form the National University of Singapore in 1980. The high quality of university education and international schools in Singapore is a point of pride, with public and private schools offering a huge range of qualifications. The Key Stage Outcomes spell out what the Education Service aspires to develop in our students through Primary, Secondary, and Post-Secondary2 education. This program is designed to meet the needs of educators, educational administrators, managers, policy makers and others interested or involved in learning and education within the wider educational community or working in the corporate or government sector. Each term is a 3-month period covering 1 course of study. Besides developing an inquiring mind as a researcher, the pedagogical approaches demonstrated by the lecturers and the lively interaction with my colleagues during the course have built my confidence as an educator in the special needs sector.”, Law Li Lian (Luo Lilian) In this chapter, we describe the policies and practices that are currently in place to support the education of students with disabilities in mainstream schools in Singapore as well as those that need to be further developed or established to enhance the quality of education of these students. challenges faced by my students, staff, as well as their families. Advance standing entry is available up to final year Master program. The programme will be opened for the August 2021 intake. Unlike undergraduate education, most graduate programmes are designed to be largely self-funding, with little or no subsidy from the Government of Singapore. The Master of Education from Monash University addresses learning in schools, workplaces and community. (for administrative matters related to programme matters such as time-table, study plans), Programme Leader: Dr Goh Ee Ping Ailsa Interest Servicing: Pay only interest for up to 3 years or till the end of your programme, whichever is earlier. *Note: All fees are subjected to change annually. Getting to Know, 2016, “The programme has enriched my understanding of Special Education for students with learning disabilities, from pre-school level to adults transitioning into the workforce. Receive $400 referral bursary when you recommend your friend to join our master degree course. Fort Hays State University-Hays, Kansas. Please refer to the official price list for a detailed breakdown. The masters program in special education instills pedagogical methodologies and techniques to graduates of the program; important skills that are necessary for graduates to offer effective education to the students. Master of Education (Special Education) Applicants to the Master of Education (Special Education) (2 Years) must normally hold an approved degree or equivalent qualification in disability studies, psychology, speech and language therapy, physical therapy, occupational therapy, or a closely related discipline from an approved tertiary institution. In line with SkillsFuture Singapore's (SSG) initiative, some of the courses in this programme can be taken as standalone modular graduate courses and accumulated into credits leading to the master’s degree. Click here for more details. Download the course descriptions for the programme. Recipient of STU Gold Medal, 2015, E-mail: or This specialisation promotes professional competence in special education by providing knowledge- based theory, practice and research. This dynamic and relevant programme will appeal to those interested in deepening their critical understanding and knowledge of educational issues and effective responses in local, national and international contexts, and in their development as a leader in education at all levels. A recognised cognate Bachelor Degree or equivalent qualification with a credit average. As a general rule, as an international student you can expect to pay an unsubsidised fee in the region of S$35,000 (USD $25,950) for a graduate programme at one of Singapore's top universities. Developmental problems pose challenges to early detection, as symptoms can bedifficult to discriminate from features of typical development. Average … This 6-month Diploma in Education (Special Needs) (DSPED) part-time programme is designed specifically to train potential candidates to teach children with a wide range of disabilities, including those with various degrees of intellectual, behavioural, and sensory problems, or a combination of these. College and university > Share of total education spending: Percentage of government education funding that goes to post-secondary education. Education in Singapore is managed by the Ministry of Education (MOE), which controls the development and administration of state schools receiving taxpayers' funding, but also has an advisory and supervisory role in respect of private schools. Copyright National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University (NIE/NTU), Singapore, Professional Development Programmes & Courses, Broadening One’s Perspectives in Special Education (The Mentor - Term 4 / 2015), Broadening Perspectives in Special Education (The Star, 26 Nov 2015), HeadStart 2016 (Jan/Feb Issue) Feature - Choy Mian Yee, Jumping Beyond Adversities to Pursue Her Life's Calling in Education, Master of Education (Special Education) programme, two additional courses (one open elective course and MED 902 Integrative Project), MSE 901 Issues and Trends in Special Education, MSE 913 Curriculum Design and Development, MSE 914 Intervention Research in Special Education, MSE 915 Assessment of Children and Youth with Special Needs, MSE 916 Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) to Build Success in Literacy for Educators. The Special Education program at UBC concerns the education of students with exceptionalities, such as students with visual impairments, developmental disabilities, emotional or behavioural disorders, learning disabilities, gifts and talents, and those who are deaf or hard of hearing. A Distance-learning master's options provide many opportunities for career advancement. You are advised to visit the website and look out for NIE’s announcements in May/June and Nov/December to confirm if the specialisation will be open for application at any particular intake. In line with SkillsFuture Singapore's (SSG) initiative, ... Master of Education (Special Education) experience by Lim Ai Lay. Please refer to the ISAAC system for the programme structure relevant to your intake during Course Registration or consult your programme leader if you need clarifications. T&Cs apply, subject to bank’s approval. Defunct universities. Masters in special education programs offer individuals the pedagogical tools to adapt curriculum to students who have learning, mental, emotional and physical disabilities. ECPS offers a number of courses leading to a Diploma in Special Education. For instance, compulsary education lasts for 12 years in the United States. Other than the core and specialisation courses, you may select open elective courses offered across all NIE Master Degree programmes. The Bureau of Labor Statistics projects a 3% increase in employment of special education teachers between 2018 and 2028. Each educational level builds upon the previous stages and lays the foundation for subsequent ones. A recognised Honours, Graduate Certificate, Graduate Diploma or Masters qualification, S$24,796.61 per academic year (Per academic year refers to 12 months, including 4 units). Plan your studies abroad now. Middle school special education teachers: $79,030 – $98,610 (47% hold master’s degrees at this level) High school special education teachers: $79,150 – $98,890 (18% hold master’s degrees at this level) Instructional Coordinators. The candidature periods are as follows: Our tuition fees are subject to revision on a yearly basis. “With the knowledge that I had acquired during my You can also read more about Singapore. This programme is designed for those who already hold a Bachelors degree or similar degree in education or an allied field. Understanding Inclusion in Learning Communities. ); Foreign universities with local campus. Please click here for more information on Maybank Education loan and here for OCBC Frank Education loan. View all 15 Online Masters's programmes at universities in Singapore. The offer of electives is reviewed regularly to reflect developments in education and the respective fields. The total fee covers university registration, lectures/tutorials/workshops and assessments such as assignments/tests/examinations/projects (where applicable), programme materials in digital format, Degree (if earned) and transcript. go to a list of Masters programmes in Special Needs Education. I can understand the More Information More filters Sort Most info English courses available Pre-masters available Scholarships available THE Rankings Popularity Reviews University of Malaya Malaysia. We look forward to talking with you soon. Note: Programme structure is subject to changes. Higher Degrees in Early Childhood, High Ability Studies and Special Education. For more information about the programme, please contact our course consultant. A good Bachelor’s degree from a recognised university, A teaching qualification such as the Postgraduate Diploma in Education and at least ONE year of teaching experience master’s programme, I feel more equipped and confident to support my staff and students. On completion of the Graduate Certificate of Education Studies with a credit average, students will be admitted into the Master of Education with 48 credit points of credit. FIU's special education master's degree allows licensed special education teachers to earn a Florida autism endorsement, which transfers to many states. Top Master Programs in Education in Singapore 2021. There are generally two intakes a year (January and August). FindAMasters. It connects research and practice in order to make you a stronger thinker, an engaged practitioner and an advanced specialist in a field of education. Students who successfully complete and pass the modules stipulated in the course structure will be awarded the Master of Education in Inclusive and Special Education from Monash University. Non-refundable application fees are as follows: All prices are inclusive of 7% Goods & Services Tax (GST). © Copyright 2021 Kaplan Singapore. The openness of coursework permits students to tailor their work to the current needs of school districts or other professional fields. Please contact our consultants to obtain a copy of the class schedules, I agree to Privacy Policy. Early identification of childrenwith developmental delays is … We want to encourage you to take that passion further, which is why Capella University offers an online MS in Education, Special Education Teaching specialization. Overview of the Masters programme. Lim Ai Lay This study mode is made available due to COVID-19. A Kaplan representative will contact you shortly to tell you more. 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master's in special education singapore 2021