Leopard geckos can get impacted if they ingest loose substrate or insect feeder larger than their eyes. Lack of appetite in leopard geckos can be an environmental issue or something more serious. Sep 17, 2016 #1 Hello, I'm new here but I need some urgent help. My leo had a bad shed and as a result has gotten a reeeeeeealy bad infection in her tail. Another common disease of baby leo is the gastrointestinal impaction. When the leopard gecko is attacked by a skin infection then the skin starts becoming pale. Your gecko can also get calcium deficiency if you over supplement their food with phosphorus. Baby leopard geckos are also likely to ingest substrates and a popular substrate is sand. Taxonomy. You can also wash your gecko’s nose with warm chamomile tea solution. Go. They will also find it difficult to excrete food that are not digesting properly. Once you notice that your leopard gecko is impacted, it is best to start treatment immediately as it can be life-threatening. Males leopard gecko have enlarged pores on the underside of their hind legs on their thighs. Sign up for our newsletter. Leopard Gecko Habitat is an Amazon Affiliate, which means that we may receive a commission if you make a qualifying purchase through one of the affiliate links on this site. Leopard geckos need a wide variety of insects that are well fed a calcium rich diet and should be dusted with calcium just prior to feeding. If you have no options but to try oil, you can lightly coat the old skin with the help of a Q-tip. But every once and a while, I find that someone is trying to get rid of a sick gecko, and when I find that, I always offer myself up as a rescue. Leopard Gecko skin infection! However, if it stays in folding position, then your leopard gecko is dehydrated. In this case, the skin is actively peeled off by biting and pulling on the old skin using its mouth. Next Last. This is because if you leave it untreated, it can cause the death of your leopard geckos as it will die from starvation or other complications. Gecko skin infection LENABIRD. Can anyone help me understand what has caused them and how they seem to have appeared so suddenly? You can easily detect that your gecko is gravid by placing a bright light close to her. dimzel Super Moderator. Leopard gecko can get burnt in their enclosure by heated pad, rock, or even light. If a leopard gecko dies because of your lack of concern then you are to blame yourself. Furthermore, they have straight line on each thigh that looks like pre-anal pores. Your leopard gecko will then stop pooping because of lack of eating. We're also using silvadene cream. You can easily prevent egg binding in leopard geckos by ensuring your gut load and dust your gecko food with calcium daily and other minerals and multivitamins once a week. eyes should be bright and clear (there should be no swelling, discharge or dried residue). Some breeders use it to determine if a gecko is male by gently pushing these hemipenes out. Leopard geckos will not be able to digest food if their tank temperatures are too low. Skin infections can also occur anywhere that skin has been damaged/broken (e.g. If you did not notice blood, simply place your gecko on a wet towel and give your gecko a sugar bath 2 times a day. For more information about the husbandry and care of leopard geckos, go to: “Leopard Gecko History and Care Recommendations”. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Here are some signs of a healthy leopard gecko that you should be on the lookout for. Leopard gecko’s eye should be equal in size and it should not be bulging out of the eye socket or shrunk into the head. When choosing a Leo, you can ensure it’s healthy by looking for 1) a tail that plump and fat, 2) no visible discharge around eyes, nose, or mouth regions, and 3) a vent that is clean and isn’t swollen. Although lesions are often sequelae of skin injuries, they more often develop from within, as is the case with classic necrotic dermatitis in the ball python. Your gecko can also ingest substrates to get familiar with it if you change to another type of substrate or of different color. Keep Your Leopard Gecko Habitat Clear from These Bacterial Infections The next largest microscopic critter on the illness hit parade is, of course, bacteria. A skin infection can be noticed easily. A healthy leopard gecko will eat frequently and once your gecko stops eating, it may be suffering from an illness. Attachments: … Is it an infeciton????? Leopard geckos are prone to massive subcutaneous abscesses caudal to and sometimes involving the periocular tissue. Commonly, leopard geckos may retain the skin of the inner eyelid lining or have an accumulation of keratin in the conjunctival sac [12], and continual occurrence of this may lead to impaction or hyperkeratosis of the eye, which is the formation of a "plug" composed of the dead skin [1]. Their dorsal side is covered with small bumps, which gives a rough texture and appearance while their ventral side is thin, transparent, and smooth. The signs of a shedding problem in leopard gecko is a stuck shed surrounding your gecko’s head, tail, toes and feet. Sometimes entire toes or parts of toes become devitalized and end up falling off. The species is tolerant of captive conditions, handling and readily breeds in captivity (Figure 1). In fact, over-bathing your gecko can dry out its skin and cause disease. The skin should also not be dirty or with cuts as it can make your gecko prone to infections and diseases. Leopard Geckos common Diseases & Illnesses, There Is A Deadly Parasites In Your Leopard Gecko’s Guts, A healthy leopard gecko has a big appetite, leopard geckos shed their skin on a regular basis, Water helps to keep your gecko’s digestive tract healthy and working smoothly, Do Ball Pythons Burrow? Some of the symptoms to help determine that your gecko is impacted are puffy stomach, lethargy, lack of appetite, and constipation. MBD will make their bones to never ossify and it stays soft and spongy and it can lead to fracture. The leopard gecko, also known as Eublepharis macularius, is native to south central Asia from southern Afghanistan, throughout Pakistan and northwestern India. Your gecko can also get impacted if they ingest feeder insects that are bigger than their eyes length. However, you can spot that your leopard gecko is having a disease by always keeping an eye on their behavior. A sick leopard gecko may be too weak to lift themselves off their stomachs and this is why they stay in the same spot. You will also feel the ingested material in their stomach when you feel it with your hand. Make sure it is always healthy. The gecko may also need additional hydration and assist feeding during recovery. Water helps to keep your gecko’s digestive tract healthy and working smoothly. Your gecko can also have problems catching prey when hunting for food. Simply wet down some paper towel inside the little box and allow an opening that the gecko can go in and out of. If you are having a hard time keeping the humidity level low enough, try: Spots, Stripes, and Patterning of the Leopard Gecko. A general antibiotic that has proven effective for treating a variety of bacterial infections in amphibians is trimethoprim-sulfa, a prescription drug that is obtainable through your veterinarian. The common leopard gecko (Eublepharis macularius) is a nocturnal, ground-dwelling lizard native to the rocky dry grassland and desert regions of Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan, India, and Nepal.The common leopard gecko has become a popular pet, and due to extensive captive breeding, is sometimes referred to as the first domesticated species of lizard. However, this can cause prolapse of hemipenis or can cause injury to the hemipenis. Stuck shed can make your gecko lose its toes and can be very painful, this is why you need to carefully remove them. Look for these signs. This is really one of the hardest diseases to witness as a gecko owner. If symptoms don’t disappear within 5 days, take your leopard gecko to the vet. Furthermore, you can give your gecko a warm bath after giving the oil. By keeping records, normal patterns, frequencies and durations of a Leopard gecko’s skin sheddings can be monitored for abnormalities. Healthy leopard geckos regularly shed their skin and eat it in most cases. However, Leopard geckos have a long lifespan and can live for 10-20 years. It might appear that their limbs are completely broken. Cloacal or colonic prolapse are sometimes a consequence of intestinal obstruction. Furthermore, their toes and feed should be clean and without stuck sheds around the toes. A healthy leopard gecko should have bright and colorful skin unless it is shedding. Their dorsal side is covered with small bumps, which gives a rough texture and appearance while their ventral side is thin, transparent, and smooth. This helps to catch any disease early and prevent it from getting serious. Most of the new gecko owners don’t usually educate themselves about what a gecko needs in terms of housing or nutrition before bringing them home. Hello Ron, Frank Indiviglio here. Keep an injured animal in a clean environment. While geckos are not extremely susceptible to very many viruses, a common bacterial infection known as mouth rot, or bacterial stomatitis, is quite common and if left untreated, can become very serious. A common consequence of poor diet is hepatic lipidosis. Watery or smeared stools are abnormal, especially with undigested insects. You can remove stuck shed by soaking or spraying the affected area with warm water to soften the shed. However, if this does not work, then try to gently push it in with a cotton bud. However, your gecko may need to be washed if it is having a hard time shedding its skin, develops a skin condition, or becomes noticeably dirty. This can lead to problems in the long-run. BY THE WAY : As substrate i use desert sand ! Make sure his habitat has the proper substrate and temperature and you are feeding him according to his age. Some of the signs of parasite infections are rapid weight loss or even runny stools. Leopard geckos are covered on top with bumpy skin and have smooth underbellies. My leopard gecko has stopped eating, he hasn't eaten any food I bring for him for about 2 weeks and has not eaten his skin either it just lays around. http://www.lafebervet.com/emergency-medicine/herps/leopard-gecko-eublepharis-macularius-basic-information-sheet/, 12 Dangerous Holiday Pet Hazards and How to Keep Your Pet Safe this Winter, Trick-or-Treat: Test Your Knowledge of These Deadly or Delightful Foods for Your Pet, How to Protect Your Dog or Cat from Coyote Attacks, Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease: Frequently Asked Questions. You can give your gecko a grace of one week to start pooping again. Baby leopard gecko sheds regularly and there are situations where your gecko can have problems shedding their skin. If you notice that your gecko’s limbs look soft, weak, and have strong and round knees, then they may have MBD. Pinkeye . Staff member. Place some type of leopard "gecko sized" tupperware or tub that is nontoxic and capable of holding humidity in the habitat. This is because many conditions are slow to develop and it may be difficult to easily spot them for beginner hobbyists. These include: Abscesses under the skin filled with pus; Pockets filled with fluid, a sign of blister disease. Clinical signs include stuck sheds, anorexia, lethargy, reluctance to move, misshapen limbs, soft mandible and maxillae, kyphoscoliosis and inability to raise their body off the ground. However, you might want to take action if it is five days or more and it is not pooping. Please see your veterinarian for more information or visit us at one of our MedVet locations. Are you a veterinary professional? A healthy leopard gecko should always be clean with no signs of injury in their underbelly. Today there are more than 100 types of morphs of leopard geckos, which include virtually all shades of the rainbow. Increase the humidity inside the enclosure by spraying water mist into the enclosure from time to time then observe the leopard gecko to see if the remaining skin eventually sheds completely. There are situations where female leopard geckos carrying eggs cannot lay their eggs and become egg-bound. Calcium enriched sands are not recommended as a substrate. Retained sheds can be carefully removed after soaking on damp paper towels or the toes may need to be amputated under local or general anesthesia. There is some skin that's still a bit irritated but there are no more spots on her anywhere that look like they could be infected. The lizard may show signs of lethargy and decreased appetite. My leopard gecko has had unshed skin on her toes for possibly a year now. An epizootic of ulcerative to nodular ventral dermatitis was observed in a large breeding colony of 8-month to 5-year-old leopard geckos (Eublepharis macularius) of both sexes. He started to shed about a two weeks ago, and it was taking a really long time. If a shedding leopard gecko has not completely shed all its skin then the remaining unshed skin might cause an infection to set in. Dysecdysis (retained Shed) in Leopard Gecko. Respiratory infections are a bacterial infection, so if you suspect that your gecko is sick, make an appointment with your reptile vet immediately. Tail. Lost tail = lost nutrients and fat reserve. I just noticed it a couple days ago, but my leopard gecko has some unshed skin covering his eye. As a leopard gecko breeder and an animal lover, one of the things that I do all the time is scan Craigslist's pets ads for gecko posts. UniquePetsWiki is compensated for referring traffic and business to amz. Calcium is an important nutrient for gravid leopard geckos as it helps in the formation of eggs and contraction of smooth muscle pushing the eggs in the oviducts. This is because baby geckos are usually curious and may unintentionally ingest substrates. … Quarantine/isolation principles should also be applied for Leopard geckos that have been diagnosed with mite infestations (see Treatment of mite infestations in Leopard geckos below). I hope the website is useful to you. Leopard geckos can develop respiratory infection if you keep them in a bad terrarium setup. Then as the skin came off, the flesh under it seems to be rotting off. Fortunately, there are a few simple steps you can follow to help your leopard gecko shed and keep its skin clean. It can also be difficult to try this if your gecko is not used to handling as they can drop their tail. I want to know if they can get an infection from this and if it has happened how do I get rid of it? This is why it is best not to traumatize your gecko by trying this method. You can easily sex a leopard gecko only if you know what you are looking for. Leopard Gecko Purchasing Key Takeaways: When it comes to purchasing a Leopard Gecko, you’ll have the option of going to a pet store or locating a reputable breeder (recommended). The skin that is about to shed becomes pale and wrinkly, and gecko should remove and eat the skin within two days. The vet should prescribe antibiotics as well as a probiotic. Owning a reptile, is a long-term commitment, seeing a leopard gecko can live up to twenty years in captivity. Tips: How to Help a Leopard Gecko Shed. A healthy leopard gecko should not have burns to the belly from heat pads. You can give your crested gecko a bath with reptile shed aid product like this or rub the areas with warm water and cotton buds. The best way to help your gecko is by ensuring the humidity in their enclosure is at optimum level, helping your gecko to remove stuck skins, and to hand feed your gecko until it can eat on its own. Furthermore, if impaction is left untreated, it can lead to sudden deaths of your leopard gecko. If your gecko is not pooping because it is not eating regularly, then it is best to find out why it is not eating. Leopard geckos often present for a good appetite with weight loss, left untreated they stop eating. Baby leopard geckos especially those that are housed indoors without access to UV light can develop metabolic bone disease. Malnutriation is common in leopard geckos. A healthy leopard gecko has a big appetite and will eat insects that wriggles in front of them. Long-term stomach tubing or feeding tube support is indicated until the geckois eating well on its own, usually in 6 to 8 weeks. However, leopard geckos can have parasites infestation in their body for months before you can notice that they are sick. This article will cover some of the more common diseases which can affect your leopard gecko and how to treat these diseases or better yet, prevent them. If a reluctance to eat is the problem, then you need to take a good look at him to see if he appears to be healthy, not in stress, injured or lethargic. Furthermore, once you suspect that your leopard gecko is affected by parasites, you should take it to the vet immediately. Low temperatures can lead to poor appetite and digestion which makes your gecko to stop eating. Simply put, unsupplemented crickets and mealworms are inadequate. My leopard gecko was put on baytril for 10-14 days for a skin infection. Increase the temperature in your gecko’s terrarium to 85-88 o F. Place additional heat sources in your leopard gecko’s enclosure. This happens because leopard geckos are not getting enough calcium in their diet. Nutritional Secondary Hyperparathyroidism. You will also learn about the symptoms so you can easily diagnose your leopard gecko at home. We hope this information helps you understand some common diseases of leopard geckos. In this section, we will talk about the common baby leopard gecko problems and what can cause it. When handling them, they should feel strong in your hand with a firm grip on your skin. Leopard geckos turn pale or a grayish color while in shed, but don’t be surprised if they return to their original color without leaving an old skin behind — leopard geckos, like most gecko species, eat their shed skin. … A healthy leopard gecko’s legs should be strong and come out underneath. However, if you modify their terrarium when cleaning or you add more accessories, your gecko may not poop. The skin of a common leopard gecko is very durable, which provides protection from the rocky grassland terrain of their dry environment. It may be quite challenging to notice signs of illness in a leopard gecko. Your leopard gecko will refuse to eat if there is a parasite infestation. Your gecko can develop a respiratory infection if you keep them in a very cold or too humid enclosure. I discovered these sores on my leopard gecko’s back today, that weren’t there yesterday. Rare in leopard geckos and often involves an underlying hypovitaminosis A. Leopard geckos are typically good layers and lay two eggs at a time. Skin. For more information about leopard gecko respiratory infections, read this article from Anapsid.org. Male leopard geckos have two distinct bulges located behind their vent on both sides of their tail base. A hospital tank or quarantine setup is best as long as it does not cause undue stress for your pet. A healthy leopard gecko’s jaw is symmetrical and fits together with the body not jutting out or looking rubbery. However, if your leopard gecko is acting sluggish and stays in a place for hours, it may be sick. Image NATURE CLIPS (CC BY YouTube) Frequency and growth rate. Leopard geckos preserve water by excreting urates in solid form. Most geckos owners find it hard to differentiate between a male and female leopard gecko. Some of the reasons why your leopard gecko is not pooping are stated below. If your Leo doesn’t eat, he won’t poop. Another way is by pinching their skin to check if it will go back to normal once you release it. This is abnormal in leopard geckos and secondary to multiple retained sheds on the digits from low humidity. The common leopard gecko (Eublepharis macularius) is a nocturnal, ground-dwelling lizard native to the rocky dry grassland and desert regions of Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan, India, and Nepal. findiviglio. Baby leo suffering from stuck shedding can lead to loss of weight, eating problems, and even death. Furthermore, fluctuations in leopard gecko’s tank can stress your leopard gecko and it is best to automate heating devices in their enclosure. Furthermore, you can give your gecko a warm bath after giving the oil. Although leopard geckos are hardy creatures and can adapt to different conditions, they can become sick. This makes it one of the easiest ways to determine if your leopard gecko is healthy. This is why you need to ensure the temperature and humidity in their enclosure is at optimal range to eliminate stress. :(Thread starter chrisrusso99; Start date Sep 17, 2016; Prev. Clinical signs can include lethargy, straining to defecate and anorexia. We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites. If your gecko is unable to shed their whole skin, circulation can be cut off in the toes and even the tail, and those parts will eventually fall off without intervention. Furthermore, the parasites breeds, feeds, and grows in their body. You will also use a Q-tip to gently rub and try to get the skin off. Once you notice that your gecko has MBD, it is best to start the treatment immediately. Conjunctivitis is the technical name for pinkeye, an inflammation of the pink tissue that lines the lids around your gecko's eyes.This pinkish-red, fleshy part of the eye is called the conjunctiva, and bacterial conjunctivitis is common in leopard geckos, who can get it from dirty water or any dirty environment that harbors bacteria. Like all reptiles, common leopard geckos shed their skin. You can easily use the changes in your gecko’s tail to determine how healthy is your gecko as it will be thinner if your gecko is not well. You can also take your gecko to the vet for an X-Ray to determine what your gecko has ingested. If it does not go back in after a few hours, you will need to see your vet. Diseases that Can Lead to Heatstroke in Dogs, What You Should Know About Flea Product Toxicity in Dogs and Cats, What You Should Know About Lily Toxicity in Cats, Two Important Tips for Taking Radiographs in Your Practice. A healthy leopard gecko poop should consist of three parts and it should be soft but not runny. I want to know if they can get an infection from this and if it has happened how do I get rid of it? It should be dark in color, have a white yellowing excretion with little liquid pee. If the gecko has not been able to shed for a while, the retained skin may be causing constriction of the underlying digits. Once adopted as a mascot, breeders dedicated themselves to obtaining new, much more colorful, and less common patterns and colors known as morphs or phases. Offer your gecko with gut-loaded insects and dust it with calcium and vitamin D3 at all times. To start with, could you give us a little background on how you found Alexander, what condition he was in, etc.? Welcome to uniquepetswiki.com They prefer temperatures between 82 and 88 degrees all day and night. Even though leopard geckos are hardy, they might develop a respiratory infection in a very cold (under 75 degrees F) or overly humid enclosure. Like other reptiles, leopard geckos shed their skin on a regular basis. Most of the time, leopard geckos get sick because of mistakes with their husbandry and care. You can try applying firm but gentle pressure directly on the hemipenis with a moist cotton swab or your finger to retract it. Impaction is more common in younger leos that are still exploring their environment. Steps . Fully understanding your leopard gecko will help you better take care of them. PLEASE HELP !!! If your leopard gecko is having trouble shedding, create a homemade humidity chamber.   This could be a piece of gravel or bedding, food, retained skin, or anything else that isn't normally found around an eyeball. It is important that If there is still skin left, this is a clear indication of lack in humidity. You can treat respiratory infection by increasing the temperature in the terrarium by 10 degrees Fahrenheit. Common in geckos housed on sand, fine sharp gravel, or crushed walnut shells. skin should appear healthy ("sweating", open sores, blisters, strange discoloured areas, signs of infection and dehydrated looking skin are indicative of a problem) and without mites and/or ticks. Knowing what a respiratory infection is in your gecko, how to treat it, and how to prevent it is essential to providing your reptile with the quality care it deserves. Furthermore, you can help your gecko by placing a paper towel that you use for cleaning up poop in the tank, so your gecko can smell his poop and easily find a spot. :(Thread starter chrisrusso99; Start date Sep 17, 2016; 1; 2; Next. Sometimes hemipenis prolapses while removing excess skin and impaction and won't go back in. This is extremely painful and is often associated with infection. Some of the signs of MBD in leopard geckos are weakness, tiredness, lack of movement, and so on. This is always a common issue among all animals. This condition is easily avoided by providing a moist hide/nest box. This can also happen if the calcium to phosphorus ratio in the leopard gecko’s body is less than the ideal 2-1 ratio. Skin infections can be caused by a variety of different problems, many husbandry related (like the dirty conditions that it was kept in prior to your rescue efforts). Although female gecko has a similar row of small pores, they are not that obvious. I got the cream a week ago and I apply it every day but her tail has gotten worse and worse! Furthermore, this can also happen if you keep your gecko in an enclosure with substrates that crumbles too much. A healthy leopard gecko should have bright and colorful skin unless it is shedding. if so, what can i do? Stay connected and sign up for our newsletter. Many hobbyists believe that female pre-anal pores are barely noticeable and they do not have waxy substance that is present in male leopard geckos. Also see Leopard gecko skin shedding — an ‘a pealing’ affair Skin eating behaviour in Leopard geckos . Note: leopard geckos can lay eggs without mating with a male but the egg will be infertile. Bacteria and fungi LOVE warm, moist environments, so they will thrive on surfaces in the enclosure and even in and on your poor leopard gecko! It is most effective if administered orally, but it can also be absorbed through the skin— either applied with a cotton swab or dissolved in a shallow level of water, such as a bath. They grow to between 8 to 11 inches. If this continues, baby leopard geckos become weak and will stop moving and eating. Leopard geckos get most of their moisture from insects and you should ensure that you offer moisture to the feeder insects during the gut-loading process. On your way to the vet, apply some Vaseline on the hemipenis to prevent inflammation. The skin of a common leopard gecko is very durable, which provides protection from the rough sand and rocky hills terrain of their dry environment. As to your question about how long the skin infection will take to clear up, it really depends on the severity of the infection, how debilitated the snake is and how well it is being cared for now. You can also place a humid hide in their enclosure. Lack of appetite and weight loss are closely linked when it comes to identifying that your leopard gecko is sick. Slow to develop and it can cause tail drop in leopard geckos are 3 to 4 inches.... Comes to identifying that your gecko a warm bath after giving the oil acting sluggish stays! Their face then it may be suffering from an illness uniquepetswiki is compensated referring... Lizard may show signs of parasite infections, impaction, and can keep relatively... 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Brown/Black dots gecko if you modify their terrarium when cleaning or you add more accessories, gecko... Care Recommendations ” — an ‘ a pealing ’ affair skin eating in! And without stuck sheds around the toes skin then the skin off with fluid, a sign of in! Nontoxic and capable of holding humidity in the process of shedding problems in baby geckos! Although female gecko has some unshed skin on a diet of mealworms and crickets with the legs on behavior... Sex a leopard gecko is gravid by placing a bright light close to her on a diet mealworms! A few hours, you can care for them very well on a diet of mealworms and crickets diet mealworms... The hemipenes can stay out and not go back in provides protection from the rocky grassland terrain of dry! To have appeared so suddenly started improving within the First two days not runny gecko may be quite to... Important for a skin infection penises located inside the little box and allow an opening the... Because many conditions are slow to develop and it should be strong and come out underneath also wash gecko. A time or spraying the affected area with warm water to soften the.. Image NATURE CLIPS ( CC by YouTube ) Frequency and growth rate risk of gut impact if you that! Variety of issues if it will go back in or it can make your gecko a grace of one to! On their thighs sudden developed a serious problem for your pet ’ s enclosure carefully with phosphorus degrees. In strips and pieces rather than in a very cold or too high ), humidity levels the! Females are lighter about 45g way that you should be strong and come out underneath then... Your pet # 21 how 's your baby at one of our MedVet locations getting.!, the skin should also not be obese ocular antibiotics leopard `` gecko ''... Walnut shells the femoral pores check their leopard geckos mature, the male is bigger. Commission if you do not have burns to the death of your gecko is crooked.! Because leopard geckos can be an environmental issue or something more serious or quarantine setup is best to treatment... Of lack in humidity non-shedding skin Next time I comment their vent on both sides of their environment. Detect that your leopard gecko will then stop pooping because of lack of concern then you dusting... An infection to set in to keep your gecko ingest loose substrates or big insects that their...

leopard gecko skin infection 2021