What is a native method?Answer: A native method is a method that is applied in a language other than Java. B) a class we can use to read primitive data types iii) Names of anonymous classes must be unique. It’s the responsibility of subclass to provide the implementation. B) 1,2 & 3 D) i-true, ii-true, 10. 7) Using the keyboard interface you can fully abstract …. system.out.println(“B”); 10. A) must precede D) a-2, b-1, c-3, d-4, 10.State true or false. When do we use synchronized blocks and advantages of using synchronized blocks?Answer: If very few lines of code require synchronization then it is recommended to use synchronized blocks. Though we cannot instantiate abstract classes we can create object references. A) Compiled Instructions General Java Questions and Answers: 1. { If m and n are int type variables, what will be the result of the expression m%n when m=-14 and n=-3? The important features of abstract classes are: 1) Abstract classes cannot be instantiated.2) An abstract class contains abstract methods, concrete methods or both.3) Any class which extends abstract class must override all methods of an abstract class.4) An abstract class can contain either 0 or more abstract methods. C) Converts a java program into machine language A) Converts a java program into binary code 1. 37. B) Compiler D) com. What does this RMI stand for? B) public void myMethod(int a, int b); 60. Question 4. 7. b) Javah 2) is a tool for creating C-like header files Each method in a java class must have a unique name. B) i-false, ii-true What does this RMI stand for? 250+ Questions: Yes, more than 250 questions with detailed answers covering most important areas of core java interview such as core java concepts, strings, collection framework, multi-threading, concurrency, exception handling etc. programming languages are presented through writing Java programs. C) subclasses 44. 12. do{y–; x++; y-=2; y=z; z++} while (y>1 && z<10); D) Long double … Collection Framework is one of the most important pillars that support the fundamental concepts of the Java programming language. What will be the output of the following code? 3. B) Platform independent 5. 3) …….. can appear only wherein the body of a Java method. If a variable is declared final, it must include …………………. 10. D) goto Explain garbage collection in Java? value. 17) D. hide() 9. A).DAT What is JVM? if(number>0) Java is used by approx 10 Million developers worldwide to develop applications for 15 Billion devices supporting Java. Introduction To Java Multiple choice Questions with answers and brief explanation along with PDF Download for free. A) break; B) Compiler B) interfaces D) executeDelete(), 5. System.out.println(“In first main()”); C) Database 21. 11. C) executeUpdate() 2) B. Byte D) None of the above Java Programming Online Test – Multiple Choice Questions and Answers 1. D) both B and C Method show() is not implemented in Display. C) this 10. A java program is first ……………. 4. D) Private Protected 9. int x=1, y=10, z=1; 5. iii) get out of a loop iv) get out of the system B).MDB D) none of the above, 9. break statement is used to Answer: BigDecimal, if memory is not a concern and Performance, is not critical, otherwise double with predefined precision. 8. case ‘b’; Java has its origin in C) Test class should be declared as abstract * A) 1,2 & 4 } ……………… keyword is used to invoke the current object. In how many ways we can create threads in java?Answer:We can create threads in java by any of the two ways :1) By extending Thread class2) By implementing the Runnable interface. 5. Which one of the following is true for Java C) hardware public class MyClass{ This often leads to major errors. This type of handling reducesthe code duplication.Note: When we catch more than one exception in a single catch block, catch parameter is implicitly final.We cannot assign any value to catch parameter.Ex : catch(ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException || ArithmeticException e). D) No error. B) Throwable 9) Every method of a ……….. is implicitly final. D) none, 4. Which one of the following is true for Java A) Java is object-oriented and interpreted Data input is In Java, we have access to modifiers and nonaccess modifiers.Access Modifiers: public, private, protected, defaultNon Access Modifiers: abstract, final, strip. A) standard Java is a platform independent language. ………………… inheritance is enabled by an interface in java. Answers to all these Java quiz questions and follow the relevant link to get the deeper knowledge of Java. 1. A) Mail Server 16) B. thread If you select the right option, it turns green; else red. D) init method A) i-false, ii-false Consider the statement “x=(a>b)?a:b”, then the value of x is 19 if a=19 and b=12, D) none of the above The out object is an object encapsulated inside the …………….. class and represents the standard output device. a package statement must be the first statement in the source file. Which of the following statements about abstract methods/classes in Java is true? C) i-true, ii-false B) Method display( ) should be declared as static Which is the root class of all AWT events C) COBOL Question 3. switch (c) A) 1 & 2 B) Simple 36. 40. 22. 59. 3) A. logical i) Java beans slow down the software development process. The life cycle of an applet is described by ……………… methods. 12) A. NULL - 1 B) match Java Programming MCQ Question with Answer Java Programming MCQ with detailed explanation for interview, entrance and competitive exams. Match the following. 52. 1. 9) C. Distributed B) an identifier State some situations where exceptions may arise in java?Answer:1) Accessing an element that does not exist in the array.2) Invalid conversion of number to string and string to a number. Basic Core Java Interview Questions: Q1. { Exceptions can be created by JVM or by our application code. D) i-true, ii-true, 8. The use of a protected keyword to a member in a class will restrict its visibility as follows: A) Visible only in the class and its subclass in the same package. 3. What is the file extension of a compiled java program? abstract sum(int x, int y){ } D) throws.java.io.InException, 6. C) The code will compile correctly and will print “In first main()” (without quotes) when it is run Java is the high-level, object-oriented, robust, secure programming } 42. A) Not necessary ……………….. is generated if a button is clicked in AWT. 1. 24. Java Multiple Choice Questions 21) What is byte code in the context of Java? This is the java programming blog on "OOPS Concepts" , servlets jsp freshers and 1, 2,3 years expirieance java interview questions on java with explanation for interview examination . D) Java mid code. 4. 15) B. A) 2.1 ii) Two methods cannot have the same name in java. Break What access modifiers can be used for class?Answer: We can use only two access modifiers for class public and default.public: A class with a public modifier can be visible. C).MSSQL What is clipping?Answer: Clipping is the process of confining paint operations to a limited area or shape. 4) C. /** String literals 17. 5. A) program class Display extends Print A) anonymous classes method must be used. 8) State True or False for the following statements in java. 18) Which of the following statements are valid array declaration? D) Java, HTML Consider the following class definition. A) i-false, ii-false Explain method overloading?Answer: When a Java program contains more than one methods with the same name but different properties, then it is called method overloading. in …………………. A) 1-true, 2. true, 3. true All students, freshers can download Java Programming quiz questions with answers as PDF files and eBooks. A) 1 company, 38. D) Parameterized, Answers: B) compile a java program 15. I would like to inform those who are preparing for the Competitive Exam, if you want to take the preparation of java quiz questions answer, don’t worry, we are answering here with JAVA Programming MCQ & java programming questions and answers. 7) C. Class 8. Therefore convenience and availability of a wide variety of JAVA QUESTIONNAIRES … abstract show(); 8. 55. 1. C) throws.java.io.IOException Adapter classes are used for ……………. B) java.util.Name B) Java is efficient and faster than C Fully solved examples with detailed answer description, explanation are given and it would be easy to understand. 6. B) executeDeleteQuery() B) nested classes A) pre-increment 3. 14) C. Arrays of arrays B) i, iii & iv are true In how many ways we can do exception handling in java?Answer:We can handle exceptions in either of the two ways :1) By specifying a try-catch block where we can catch the exception.2) Declaring a method with throws clause. A) 1 A) An abstract class cannot be instantiated. Today, we will move towards Java quiz questions. For example, if we take a vehicle class we cannot provide implementation to it because there may be two-wheelers, four-wheelers, etc. EJB supports transaction processing Consider the following code: interface Area 3. 6) B. extends B) java 3. class Display extends Print Why Java doesn’t support multiple inheritances?Answer: Because of “Diamond Problem”, Java doesn’t support multiple inheritances in classes. We would like to make a member of a class visible in all subclasses regardless of what package they are in. To make a class abstract we use keyword abstract. C) High level The class at the top of exception class hierarchy is …………………….. It is recommended to handle exceptions withspecific Exception instead of handling with Exception root class.3) Call stack mechanism: If a method throws an exception and it is not handled immediately, then thatexception is propagated or thrown to the caller of that method. D) execute a java program, 5. A) Servlet, HTML Furthermore, Java is one of the most i) AWT is an extended version of swing D) none 8. { Separate with commas when we have multiple arguments.thrown in the method are instances of their subclass. 50. 19. All rights reserved. ii) Java Servlets do not have built-in multithreading feature. Can we rethrow the same exception from catch handler?Answer: Yes, we can rethrow the same exception from our catch handler. D) Oak programming language Using which keyword we can access the value of the instance and class variables of that class inside the method of that class itself. A) classes 26. 1. JVM, or the Java Virtual Machine, is an interpreter which accepts ‘Bytecode’ and executes it. 1) A. instance D) Application, drivers. D) an interface that defines methods to read primitive data types. B) nested classes C) equals ( ) C) high level A) 0 B) Drivers, Application 200 Top Real Time Pega PPRC Interview Questions and Answers, 100 Top ADO.Net Multiple Choice Questions and Answers, 100 Top Behaviour Multiple Choice Questions and Answers, 100 Top Computer Hardware Multiple Choice Questions Answers, 120 Latest Selenium Hybrid Framework Interview Questions And Answers, 125 Top C Programming Multiple Choice Questions and Answers, 125 Top C# Interview Questions Dot Net Tricks. Answers: If you are an aspiring Java Developer, it is very important for you to have a strong knowledge of these core concepts before you appear for an interview.Through the medium of this article, I will share the Top 50 Java Collections Interview Questions and Answers … B) java.awt.AWTEvent value. A) Executable 5. Latest Update: TCS NQT Programming Questions / Coding Questions with answers are provided in PDF format at the bottom of the page. JAVA Online Test. D) A suspended thread using suspend() method can be revived using the resume() method. 17) B. 18) B. ii and iii public static void main(char args[]){ 1) In the same class2) In the same package subclass3) In the same package nonsubclass4) In the different package subclass5) In the different package nonsubclass. 5. B) 2.3 C) True A) java.awt 9. 3. A Lead Routers Initiative. B) a-3, b-2, c-4, d-1 i) Increasing productivity ii) Reusability class Room implements Area What is the priority of the Garbage collector thread of JDK? A Boolean expression D) None of the above …………… package is used by the compiler itself. 4) B. i-False, ii-True B) 1- true, 2. false, 3. true C) throws.java.io.IOException C) i-true, ii-false When the operators are having the same priority, they are evaluated from …………….. …………. A) Java does not support overloading. 11) B. EJB specifies an execution environment Questions on Data Types, Variables and Arrays . ii) All protected methods are friendly methods QUESTION BANK – JAVA PROGRAMMING 1) Write a java code to display the system date and the date before 763 days from system date today‟s date. A) switch, if What is the difference between the >> and >>> operators?Answer: The >> operator carries the sign bit when shifting right while the >>> zero-fills bits that have been shifted out. C) Terminate 5. D) java.string, 5. +,= D) Persistence, serialization. 7. 10) D. round(x) ( ). ……………… keyword is used to invoke the current object. 1. A) two methods defined in that interface ii) applets are used for networking The display does not contain any numbers. What value does read Line() return when it has reached the end of a file?Answer:The readLine() method returns null when it has reached the end of a file. 7. 6. ii) Anonymous classes are mostly used for event handling. If m and n are int type variables, what will be the result of the expression B) i-false, ii-true What is a JVM?Answer: JVM is Java Virtual Machine which is a run time environment for the compiled java class files. 16) ……. A) Will not compile because the class body is not defined. 8. 10. B) ODBC class, network protocol Can we use catch statement for checked exceptions?Answer: If there is no chance of raising an exception in our code then we can’t declare catch block for handlingchecked exceptions. 2) Which of the following represent(s) of a hexadecimal number? 10) Which of the following will produce a value of 10 if x=9.7? ii) The abstract methods of an abstract class must be defined in its subclass. A) Byte D) All of the above. What happens when we try to compile this class? Explain Java Coding Standards for Constants ?Answer:Constants in java are created using static and final keywords.1) Constants contain only uppercase letters.2) If the constant name is a combination of two words it should be separated by an underscore. These mcq are very useful for Java Developer Interviews asked in various companies. ……………. 3. Which of the following represent legal flow control statements? C) Not reusable { What is the byte code in the context of Java? Prepared Statement object in JDBC used to execute……….. queries. 3) B. declaration Java has its origin in A) C programming language B) PERRL C) COBOL D) Oak programming language. system.out.println(“Number is negative”); A) Number is negative A) Create a jar archive A) i-false, ii-false Here you can check Java training details and JAVA Training Videos for self learning. Which containers use a Flow Layout as their default layout?Answer: The Panel and Applet classes use the Flow Layout as their default layout. (d) It is the code written within the instance methods of a class. Java programs are A) Faster than others B) Platform independent C) Not reusable D) Not scalable. It is also a good choice for introducing students to the concept of object-oriented programming which is one of the most popular paradigms in the current days. Answer: Java encapsulates the codes in various classes which i) is a key component of server-side Java development Static content C ) editing tools D ) throws.java.io.InException, 6 to access its elements associating. Right data type logical operations in Java which take 10 numbers store in. Classes concerned with Database connectivity none of the applet class interface you check! Feature of Java not executable application code a wrapper around a …….. can appear only wherein body! Have anybody D ) continue, if memory is not implemented in 6... ) an interface that defines methods to read primitive data type to represent price... 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java programming questions and answers pdf 2021