This is because the resistors are connected in parallel. 10 questions to test your electrician skills (credit: Let’s start. The slot that looks like a small D-shaped hole is the ground slot, and it is connected to the circuit ground wire. Electric current is measured using … Ans : Electricity is a general term used for all phenomena caused by electric charge whether static or in motion. ePortfolio read more. Journeyman Electrician Practice Test 1 ... Electrical Theory; Electrician Theory Test. Protective equipotential bonding is achieved by, The type of earthing arrangements requiring a consumer’s earth electrode to be installed is where, Low-voltage is defined in BS 7671 as having a value exceeding, Tables showing the classification of external influences when considering environmental conditions during the design of an installation can be found in BS 7671, An assessment must be made of harmful effects on other electrical systems when installing, For a 32A ring final circuit in similar premises to a dwelling, the minimum size of thermoplastic insulated copper live conductors allowed is, In a domestic dwelling a 32A ring final circuit incorporating BS 1363 socket-outlets historically serves a floor area up to. It’s easy to flip a light switch or turn on your television without thinking of the processes going on behind them. Find a local electrical school. Has more than one load connected in a single electrical path series circuit capacitors inductive ammeter ground wires 8. Wrong! Tags: career, career-quiz, quiz. Which Harry Potter Hogwarts House Do You Belong To Quiz! Which of the following would you consider an interesting class? Tags: Computer Quiz, General Science Quiz, Physics Quiz, Quick Pick Quiz, circuit, diagram, electric, Electricity, Picture Click, Symbol Top Quizzes Today Periodic Table of Elements 288 Journeyman Electrician Practice Test 1; Journeyman Electrician Practice Test 2; Journeyman Electrician Practice Test 3 ; Journeyman Electrician Practice Test 4; Journeyman Electrician Practice Test … Take our electricity quiz! What name is specifically given to a cone-shaped tent, made of animal skins upon wooden poles, with smoke flaps at the top? Electrons are so small that if you took a million of them, they would barely reach across the top of a small pin. Correct! Search. Try Prime Hello, Sign in Account & Lists Sign in Account & Lists Orders Try Prime Basket. Electricity Quiz. you answered this incorrectly! QUIZ: What’s the difference between an electrical conductor and an insulator? Which Glasgow auditorium, … Your email address will not be published. Cancel reply. In the early days of the electric car market, when there was little choice and what was in showrooms was largely underwhelming, weak used values for electric cars reflected the lack of interest from drivers. Careful with that rack, Eugene. Offered by University at Buffalo. The End of Year Electric Car Quiz 2020 A terrible year for the car industry as a whole but big year for electric ... Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (Firm Ref. Sorry, the Switched on Kids website doesn't support smartphones. Volta made discoveries about electricity … Electrical Engineers quiz, should i become an Electrical Engineer, is Electrical Engineers suitable for me, do i want to be an Electrical Engineer, Electrical Engineers personality test . A reminder to take care when fiddling with the top shelf in today's edition of Who, Me? Take the Quiz and improve your overall Engineering. How does that electricity work? This quiz is for beginners to intermediate... Electronics Quiz: Beginner Level #4 ELECTROSCHEMATICS - 08/21/2014. Electricity quizzes and revision notes for secondary school students studying at Key Stage 3 and GCSE Level. Auto-Clear . Overheated electrical equipment. Take the quiz > Light bulb. Where in a horse is the coffin joint? To help us improve GOV.UK, we’d like to know more about your visit today. Take our online electrical theory practice test and see the type of questions on an electrician licensing exam. Menu. To test an outlet for power, turn off the power to the circuit at the circuit breaker. They used electricity to make a thin piece of carbon glow, producing light. Required fields are marked * Comment. Have a go at our short quiz and find out. To pass the assessment you have to be familiar with these … Switched On Kids. NEC Code Questions will be added in the due course. It is estimated that an employee is 20 times more likely to be killed when working with electricity than in any other type of accident. Electricity! Copyright © The Electrical Safety Council 2021, Sound effects enabled (click to disable if you are using a screen reader), The correct answer to question 1 is: Water and electricity, The correct answer to question 2 is: Plugged in electrical items, The correct answer to question 3 is: On or near electrical things, The correct answer to question 4 is: Dry them properly, The correct answer to question 5 is: Trailed across the floor, The correct answer to question 6 is: Tell a grown up straight away, The correct answer to question 7 is: Poke anything into the hole of an electrical socket. Which substance is most used for pencil lead? Electrical Engineers quiz, should i become an Electrical Engineer, is Electrical Engineers suitable for me, do i want to be an Electrical Engineer, Electrical Engineers personality test . * * * * * * * 1) Answer: 0. Pin: Password: Home; Centres; Qualifications; International; Candidates; News ; IMI; View the IMI Centres section - Welcome to the IMI Centres section. William Gilbert. Take our electricity quiz! Every single item in the whole world is made up of tiny, tiny things called atoms. This Electrical Career Now free practice test covers electrical theory, electrician trade knowledge, wiring, installation, safety, load calculations, and more. Tags: Computer Quiz, General Science Quiz, Physics Quiz, Quick Pick Quiz, circuit, diagram, electric, Electricity, Picture Click, Symbol Top Quizzes Today Periodic Table of Elements 288 What do you know about it all? In this quiz, we’ll be trying to gauge your knowledge on all things electricity, with specific reference to the United Kingdom. Electrical Theory is included at present. Topics include Ohm's Law, electrical circuits, electromagnetic induction and electric … Which one of the following is a source of ignition that may spark and start a fire? Your email address will not be published. If a career as an electrician or in the electrical trades is on your mind, start learning with our free practice exams. Home; Electrical Theory; Electrician Theory Test. Further reading: Become an Electrician Electrical Circuits. The Following Section consists Multiple Choice Questions on Basic Electrical Engineering. Which UK driver won the F1 World Champion in 2008, 2014 and 2015? Have a go at our free Electrical exam simulator to help you revise for your Electrical Installation exams. Which country does Bryan Adams come from? What do you know about it all? Which of the following is a method of fault protection? Building Quiz Questions. Skip to main content. To check your results, take a peek for answers at the bottom of article. A reminder to take care when fiddling with the top shelf in today's edition of Who, Me? 0. Which of the following devices can not be used for emergency switching? What is the plural of the word sheep? 20 Science questions for your home pub quiz to put your friends to the test. This KS2 Science quiz will take you on a tour of electrical circuits, looking at how they work and some of their parts - such as batteries, switches and wires. Home; General Knowledge; Personality; Sports; Movies; 100 Pub Quiz Questions. Time for your virtual pub quiz! In this quiz, we’ll be trying to gauge your knowledge on all things electricity, with specific reference to the United Kingdom. The requirements for mobile or transportable units are applicable to the following types of unit, Basic protection by means of obstacles is intended to prevent. Our tale takes us back to the closing … Especially when "good" has taken a backseat to "cheap". Suitable for Key Stage 3 level students (ages 11-14). Leave a Reply Cancel reply. The detailed … It’s easy to flip a light switch or turn on your television without thinking of the processes going on behind them. Practice Paper Tests. You need to enable Javascript to view the Switched On Kids website. It directs learners through the important steps of initial site inspection and evaluating appropriate locations for PV systems, and features unique elements of residential, … A large collection of pub quiz questions and their answers on topics like general knowledge, sports, music, history, movies and science. 711752) and is a credit broker not a lender. Share: 372 shares. We’ll send you a link to a feedback form. Sponsored Links . Especially when "good" has taken a backseat to "cheap". Protective Relay Practice Quiz. To ten years either way, in which year did Charles Dickens die? One of the ways is to implement an internal electrical safety audit. Source: Shutterstock. Let’s find out! Get a certificate! Question 1. 1. Leave a Reply Cancel reply. Richard Speed Mon 11 Jan 2021 // 08:15 UTC. See all quizzes › Go to topic › Question 5 Who was the first scientist to study electricity? 0:00. Difficulty: Tough. Electricity quizzes and revision notes for secondary school students studying at Key Stage 3 and GCSE Level. Our tests cover general electrical knowledge. The materials needed for this project are few and inexpensive and can usually be readily found around the house or school. Name * Email * Website. The tests are absolutely free and self grading. Richard Speed Mon 11 Jan 2021 // 08:15 UTC. Waste paper and card. Electric shock is the obvious one, but electricians can also be injured in fires started by the electricity they control (or usually do). Required fields are marked * Comment. … Put yourself to the test and enjoy the fun trivia and electrical questions & answers, how much do you know about the interesting science topic of electricity? Name * Email * Website. All the Quiz tests are absolutely Free. Join Us Login. Each test consists of 10 to 15 objective type questions. Tesla is perhaps the best-known name at this end of the market, and its Model S continues to sell well in the UK. Copy. Falls are also a risk, as some electricians work at heights -- for example, on power poles for public utilities, or in the rafters of theaters and large auditoriums. Electrical testing with the use of electrical test meters, including: Dead testing. 3 x 6A lighting                      1 x 20A UPS supply                             3 x 32A ring                           1 x 40A cooker Question #1. The longer straight slot is the “neutral” lead and connects to the neutral circuit wire in the electrical box. The white coating converts this to a bright light we can see. Please visit the site using a desktop, laptop or tablet computer. Whether you are a novice in a field of electrical engineering or a professional electrician, these questions will move your brain cells for sure! Which of the following is not a characteristic of the supply? How much do you know about safe working practices when it comes to electricity? Every electrician, in every branch of electrical work, will need to consult and understand the information presented on electrical drawings to locate the various outlets, the routing of circuits, the location and size of panelboards, and other similar electrical details. Test your general knowledge with these quiz questions (Image: Getty Images/iStockphoto) Sign up for our What's On newsletter for the best January deals and things to do in 2021 Subscribe A toolbox talk for electrical safety is a quick and easy way to improve electrical safety and to bring the topic front of mind for your workers. Electricity is created by generators which can be powered by gas, coal, oil, wind or solar. Share. Take our electricity quiz for kids and learn some new information about electric currents, batteries, electrical power, light bulbs, conductors and more. As of Jan 15 21. Electricity is created by generators which can be powered by gas, coal, oil, wind or solar. Click on the correct statement They help deplete natural resources and contribute to increasing CO2 emissions They help deplete natural resources and … Questions. 2365, 5357, 2391, 17th edition & 18 edition. KS1 (Age 5-7) KS2 (Age 7-11) 11+ (Age 7-11) KS3 (Age 11-14) GCSE (Age 14-17) Spanish ESL Games Cup of Tea PSHE. To begin the quiz please click on the image below: What affect do petrol and diesel engines have on the environment? Please fill all fields. Pop quiz: You've got a roomful of electrical equipment. Which of the following is excluded from the scope of BS 7671? Next Question > Alessandro Volta. Who, Me? This part contains practice tests on NEC code book chapters. Electrical Quiz, basic electrical questions, free: Appstore for Android. Answers to Electronics Quiz Questions. That’s for you to tell us! Electrical Practice Tests. Will I lose money buying an electric car? Basic Electronics Tutorials and Revision is a free online Electronics Tutorials Resource for Beginners and Beyond on all aspects of Basic Electronics We know that in any group of resistors connected in parallel, the total resistance is always less than the lowest resistance in the group. Hello, Sign in. Try. Electrical safety quiz for children studying at key stages 1 and 2. A.P. The following final circuits are to be installed using thermoplastic insulated multicore non-armoured cables What powers them up? Apps & Games . These electrons have a negative charge causing them to move from one area to another, … Older children should have little trouble putting this simple electrical circuit quiz board together. Free Electrical Practice Tests. Biology Chapter 1 (Introduction To Biology). Skip to content. Find Out Your Warrior Cat Name With This Quiz. This eFIXX Apprentice Hub learning resource section has been designed to help you with the Installation Theory elements of your electrical course. Modern light bulbs work in a different way, called fluorescence. Share; Tweet; Pin; Whether you’re after new ideas or you want to test your knowledge, these pub quiz questions … If the cables are enclosed in a non-metalic trunking where entering the distribution board, how many live conductors would be enclosed? Which of the following is not included in BS 7671? Electricity, if not managed safely, can be very dangerous to those who work with and around it. Skip to content. Being an electrician can sometimes put you in potentially harmful situations, so knowing your stuff and how to handle a variety of different challenges is of the utmost importance. Let’s find out! Each Quiz Consists of 20 questions. Share: 372 shares. The value of the external earth loop impedance Z, In a TN system, final circuits not exceeding 32A supplying fixed equipment are subject to a maximum disconnection time of, The temperature limit for metalic equipment which is intended to be touched but not hand-held is, Overload current is defined as an overcurrent, The prospective fault current at the origin of a single-phase installation is the greater of the prospective, To meet the requirements of BS 7671, all overcurrent devices without upstream backup protection must. Question 1: How many public electric charging points are in the UK (as of June 2019)? Space below left intentionally, scroll down for answers. Electrical working drawings. How do you put out a fire? By Testers Direct | Last updated: Oct 28, 2020, It’s easy to flip a light switch or turn on your, Lambeau Field General Concessions Training Sample Test, California Private Patrol Operator Ppo License Test Sample Quiz. How do you put out a fire? Or, you might like to go to the main website of Electrical Safety First. The Electric Quiz Answers. The electrical energy can be converted into other types of energy such as … electricity crimping pliers 38. These are beginners level questions about electrical vocabulary and installations.Based on the 2005 NEC for the US. Careful with that rack, Eugene. You must be logged in to post a comment. Suitable for Key Stage 3 level students (ages 11-14). But there are also a number of other ways in which you can improve electrical safety at your company, and on your projects and sites. Average score for this quiz is 5 / 10. Account & Lists Account Returns & Orders. Flammable liquids such as paint. The questions from major important chapters of NEC code book are extracted and designed as interactive tests. What powers them up? Test your basic electrical knowledge - 10 multiple choice questions on Power, Voltage, Current & Ohm's Law. Electrical Component Symbols How many of the following symbols for electrical components can you identify in five minutes? Share. Who invented the battery? 2.What are the types of electricity ? To contact us about becoming an IMI Approved Centre (UK or International) please email Online revision quiz for the topic Electrical Circuits. Tags: career, career-quiz, quiz. As of June 2019, there were 24,000 public charging points available in around 8000 different locations. Electrician Quiz Questions 10. is registered as a limited company in England and Wales, (Company Number: 6073777). This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Topics include Ohm's Law, electrical circuits, electromagnetic induction and electric current. How does that electricity work? Your Answer: {{ props.questions[0].answered }} You were correct! Terms & Privacy | Cookie Policy Certified Electrical Trade Instructor & Electrician License Exam Expert Ray has worked in the electrical industry for over 45 years as an apprentice, journeyman, master, field engineer, estimator, business manager, contractor, inspector, consultant and instructor. It will take only 2 minutes to fill in. The London skyscraper '20 Fenchurch Street' has been given which nickname because of its distinctive shape? Equipment must be installed, used and maintained correctly to help reduce the likelihood of hazards and injuries occurring. Tags: career, career-quiz, quiz. This sections consists of various electrical theory questions covering basics of electrical technology and some conceptual questions. Electricians quiz, should i become an Electrician, is Electricians suitable for me, do i want to be an Electrician, Electricians personality test. When an electrical outlet’s not working, or you need to know which electrical wire is hot during a job you’re doing, a simple Internet search usually delivers more questions than answers. Electrical circuits … Inside their glass tubes, atoms crash together and give off invisible ultraviolet light. Use this quiz and worksheet to assess your understanding of electrical schematic symbols. IMI are proud to … Menu. If not, you or someone you work with could end up getting seriously hurt. Level 2 Electrical Installations (2365) Level 3 Electrical Installations (2365) 2365 Electrician training package; … We've put together a small quiz to test your knowledge about electric vehicles and the related hazards. From service stations to supermarket car … Has more than one electrical path parallel circuit acid- core solder jumper wire ground wires 40. Test your knowledge or improve it on one of our many free online general knowledge quiz questions or find new ideas for your pub quiz night. 3.What is static electricity ? Home; General Knowledge; Personality; Sports; Movies; 100 Pub Quiz Questions. Required fields are marked * Comment. Supplies electricity for circuit neutrons power source fusible link crimping pliers 39. This quiz is for intermediate... 17 Comments Join the conversation! This course supplies learners with the insights necessary for properly planning, and therefore successfully installing, a photovoltaic (PV) system per design specifications. Home | Contact Us. Search. So, you have electrical skill and are considering electrical trade school? Learn how engineers design electrical circuits by calculating the voltage, current and resistance of electrical components. Electricity is made from the movement of electrons. Played 1,350 times. This site uses … A large collection of pub quiz questions and their answers on topics like general knowledge, sports, music, history, movies and science. Feel your cells burn as you recharge your mental battery by answering the questions in this quiz. 0%. Gilbert studied electricity in the 16th century and invented the word “electric”. Leave a Reply Cancel reply. Error! Electricity Safety, Quality and Continuity Regulations, Requirements for Electrical Installations, Preventing current from passing through the body, Ensuring adequate continuity between extraneous conductive parts, Automatic disconnection of supply in the event of a fault, Separation of equipment from the supply using a safety isolating transformer, No earth facility is supplied by the distributor, The supply is from a low voltage generator, Earthing is via the distributor’s cable armour, Ordinary persons from operating equipment, Intentional bodily approach to a live part, Unintentional bodily approach to a live part, The supply point and subtracting the value of internal loop impedance (R1 + R2), The furthest socket-outlet from the supply, both the supply and at the furthest socket-outlet, and subtracting one result from the other, In a line conductor in contact with earth, Design current and distributor’s main fuse, Be able to withstand the prospective fault current, A push-button controlling an all-pole contactor, Switch with off position at the bottom and mounted at 2.75m from the ground, Switch with off position at the top and mounted at 3.75m from the ground, Switch with off position at the bottom and mounted at 3.75m from the ground, Switch with off position at the top and mounted at 2.75m from the ground, Removing question excerpt is a premium feature, Requirements are included in BS 7671 for electrical installations of. Take this quiz to find out this type of engineer you are – based on six of the most popular engineering degrees: computer engineering, civil engineering, mechanical engineering, biomedical engineering, electrical engineering and chemical engineering. Electronics Quiz: Beginner Level #3 ELECTROSCHEMATICS - 03/24/2014. Ans : There are two types,(1) static Electricity and (2) Current Electricity. Which building was the tallest building in the world for 238 years, between 1311 and 1549? UK US India. Electrician Quiz ) Search for: Related Pages. Computer networks - learning how … Which of the following documents is non-statutory? Correct Answer: c – 24,000! Continuity testing: a test to check if there are any badly connected conductors (wires) Insulation resistance testing: this test is to make sure that the electrical insulation material surrounding the conductors is intact. Your email address will not be published. The advice in this quiz was developed with the help of the Energy Saving Trust, which offers detailed information on how to make your home more energy-efficient. 20 Science questions for your home pub quiz to put your friends to the test. Home; Electrical Theory; Electrician Theory Test. This electronics quiz will test your knowledge while you have fun! Continue >> How often should electrical systems be inspected and … For learners studying City and Guilds (C and G) courses these multi-choice questions will help you with 2365 Unit 301 Understand the Fundamental Principles and Requirements of Environmental Technology Systems and 305 Electrical … Quiz: Which Anime Character Are You Most Like? Copyright © The Electrical Safety Council 2021. Pop quiz: You've got a roomful of electrical equipment. Electrician Quiz ) Search for: Related Pages. 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