She then wished Silver luck in his quest as he departed, remaining hopeful that she could restore her father as well. — Enerjak to Stripe, Shadow of the Dark World This is an alternate version of Enerjak from the Dark Mobius universe, sometimes referred to as Dark Enerjak that appears in The Legend of Fox the Brave as the main antagonist of the Secrets of the Dark World trilogy and its prequel Conquest , as well as World of Shadows , Revenge of Enerjak , and returning as the secondary antagonist of Austin's Terror and … She then destroyed the Sword to prevent her father from regaining his power and offered to help Silver's world in thanks, but he declined as he still did not know how things went wrong. Half an hour after the operation started, Enerjak returned and though outnumbered by hundreds of warships, singlehandedly sent their fleets to the bottom of the sea in just minutes. He eventually applauded the rebels for their violent and dramatic entertainment, and then charged straight through the team, taking back Cores while adding the Freedom Fighters' to his collection one-by-one after Enerjak embedded Silver into the pavement. Knuckles loses his powers to Jani-Ca, from Sonic Universe #28. This tactic did not spare Station Square from Enerjak's retribution though, as he decimated the city for the attack. Jani-Jak had a much softer design, retaining some gold but mainly consisting of white and lavender colors. Jani-Jak had a much softer design, retaining some gold but mainly consisting of white and lavender colors. Dark Enerjak custom action figure from the Sonic series using Knuckles as the base, created by Wakeangel2001. Not yet willing to forgive Knuckles or regard him as her father again, she brought him along for insight. Having conquered the world, Enerjak resorted to his Prelates combating the Freedom Fighters for amusement, but as time passed he desired new challenges to keep his interest, and sent Prelates into other realities to scout and locate ones that would prove entertaining for conquest. (ASUB, ASUB), Surveying the figures, Jani-Ca was surprised to find Dr. Eggman among them as she thought he had been vaporized, and Knuckles explained his experiments to restore Eggman since the Doctor was the first person he stole a core from. In each instance it was, Jani-Ca was the first incarnation of Enerjak shown to be female, all previously introduced incarnations being male. Knuckles eventually took over the Dark Legion and absolved the High Council to forcefully unify everyone, even adopting cybernetics to show his sincerity of closing the gap. Though Sonic succeeded in doing this with help from Amy Rose, Tails, & Mammoth Mogul, Enerjak proved too powerful in the battle and stole the Chaos Emeralds so his power would remain unrivaled. This Enerjak was completely confident in his abilities and domination over his Mobius; the Alternate Freedom Fighters were merely playthings to keep him entertained, and he had sent his Prelates out to seek new worlds for him to conquer. Enerjak then counterted by hitting Silver with the island itself from beneath, and summoned an army of Prelates which nearly overwhelmed the hedgehog if not for Jani-Ca coming to his rescue. He was too powerful to be destroyed, so they scattered him throughout the Chaos Force. Seething, she reluctantly agreed, but resolved not to sacrifice anyone else to his machinations when he proposed using a villain like Eggman who would not be missed. However, this version of Knuckles thought differently about these events and began to walk a dark path. Knuckles' version of Enerjak also utilized Chaos energy in a fashion similar to Shadow the Hedgehog's Chaos Spear attack, in a move called Thunder Arrow. Moritori wants a certain singer so he can use his voice as a weapon. With it's dark power spreading across the planet as monsters and likewise causing negative influences in certain areas as well. Jani-Ca then heard a dark voice whispering malicious ideas in her mind, but ignored it as those thoughts led to the misery she grew up in and refused to perpetuate it, though she knew she would not be able to resist forever. Since it was a "special occasion," he also summoned Prelate-JS with the core of Jani-Ca's mother, inciting his daughter’s fury. Seeing Enerjak is planning something horrible that can destroy the world, Sonic wasted no time and he charges at Enerjak and pierce through the barrier using his Sonic Boost. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Later, after Knuckles was defeated by his daughter Jani-Ca, she became an incarnation of Dark Enerjak, albeit a benevolent one. This page contains content from Sonic-News-Network, so credit where credit's due. She didn't wish to rule others, either, as the other three incarnations have, simply to fix the things her father destroyed. This was the final blow, as Knuckles gave into the corrupting influence of the spirit of Enerjak and embraced the title, his ego deluding him to believe that he would make it into a hero for Mobius. Despite all his power, Knuckles was unaware she had been with child, making him deeply hurt & confused over her departure. Now seeing that he had given everything to protect everyone, Jani-Ca believed Remington would have volunteered if there was a chance it could save the world and presented a Core to his body, praying he would wake up.[3]. Appearances Though Sonic succeeded in doing this with help from Amy Rose, Tails, and Mammoth Mogul, Enerjak proved too powerful in the battle and stole the Chaos Emeralds so his power would remain unrivaled. Remington tried using this to kill Knuckles with a bomb in his chambers, however, the explosion did nothing but make Knuckles realize he was on his own. A set of claws identical to those worn by the Enerjak from. Silver's arrival seemed to utterly fascinate him, and he appeared to be positively delighted at the prospect of a true challenge to his godlike power. Delighted at the prospect of a terrific battle, Enerjak flew through the attack and charged at Silver so they could give Mobius the “flashy ending” it deserved. The Knuckles Enerjak of Dark Mobius retains the same basic design elements (golden armour with a faceplate), but unlike the other two, his design features lots of black in addition to the red and gold, rather than the bright blue of the previous incarnations. Enerjak instead dispelled the aura around him and knocked Silver to the ground with ease, telling the time traveler his arrival meant Enerjak’s final victory over the Freedom Fighters. First appearance Thanks for the love Folks. KO! As he found his own friends and family opposing him even after he killed Dr. Eggman and began leading the Dark Legion to “set things right across Mobius”, Knuckles resolved to treat them as obstacles if they still would not relent. Check out The Knight (@DbzJustice1999): Jani-Ca extended her will again and the ceiling vanished, revealing all of Enerjak’s victims. Physical description Thanos crushes Dimentio's skull while Darkseid breaks Enerjak apart. With facing a heightened resistance though, Knuckles decided he would search for Julie-Su after the situation was controlled. Dark Enerjak [6], As Enerjak was about to strike the final blow, Silver changed tactics in a moment of revelation, and instead began using his psychokinesis to send Enerjak's blasts back at him, catching him off-guard with great efficacy. This even included Dr. Eggman’s body, which Knuckles reconstructed after much trial and error. She then destroyed the Sword to prevent her father from regaining his power and offered to help Silver's world in thanks, but he declined as he still did not know how things went wrong. The abilities of an Enerjak are highly varied, all derived from the use of the Chaos Force and limited only to the imagination of the avatar. Robotnik agreed, making them part of the Eggman empire as his "Dark Egg Legion", but revealed to Lien-Da that she woul… Since it was a "special occasion," he also summoned Prelate-JS with the core of Jani-Ca's mother, inciting his daughter’s fury. He was a malevolent Chaos demigod whose essence was scattered across the Chaos Force, and over the ages, his spirit would take over several of echidnas bearing great potential, becoming avatars of him and showing a villainous alter ego within them. A set of claws identical to those worn by Dark Enerjak were among the items in the. The two Knuckles incarnations of Enerjak (from Mobius Prime and Dark Mobius) are the fourth versions of the entity, assuming that the history of the two zones is virtually identical. [3], As his efforts to bring order to Mobius took its toll over the years, Knuckles would rest to strengthen his second-sight. Nickname(s) This page was either created or contains content from another article at. And then everything just goes down to insanity. Jani-Ca accepted that, saying she would not be Enerjak for long, and promised as Guardian that she would not miss this opportunity to save her world. This caused Enerjak to sink Downunda after his Prelates failed to stop Nack the Weasel from retrieving it, either because he knew the Sword was on the continent, or the Freedom Fighters' plan to drain his powers with the blade.[3][4]. Original concept of "Jani-Jak", by Tracy Yardley. Later, after Knuckles was defeated by his daughter Jani-Ca, she became an incarnation of Dark Enerjak, albeit a benevolent one. Enraged from the turn in the battle, Enerjak kept attacking Silver with more blasts, only to have them deflected back at him, causing incredible pain. He became so powerful that his forces’ aggressive moves were likely to threaten the sovereignty of the United Federation’s city-states within the next two years, prompting G.U.N. With Knuckles guidance, she concentrated on wanting to enter, and they arrived at a throne room where she hesitantly followed his instruction to sit. Evil Creator(s) (real-world) Additionally, this design features robotic elements: there are cables running to his arms and within his dreadlocks, and his right eye appears to be mechanical, surrounded by an Eye of Horus-like design in red. With further effort he created synthetic warriors from them called Prelates, whose robotic nature and complete obedience to Enerjak made them more ideal soldiers to the point that he performed the process on everyone he could, whether they were an ally or enemy. Jani-Ca extended her will again and the ceiling vanished, revealing all of Enerjak’s victims. In the aftermath of Night Fire’s failure, a third of G.U.N. (SU: #26, #27, ASUB), At some point during these events, Enerjak experimented with his powers and found he could extract the very life force out of living beings as a concentrated form called a Core. One was a hedgehog that had purple fur and white stripes. Like Chaos Knuckles, Enerjak is permanent so long as no extenuating circumstances—such as death or being subjected to a magical artifact or siphon device—result that drain Enerjak's powers and revert him to whomever he was before becoming Enerjak. A Dark Legion centred spinoff to my Brotherhood Gone Bonkers series. He sports gold and black bands on his dreadlocks and massive gold claws on the backs of his hands; he also wears a large cape (black with red interior). The point at which things differed was in the modern age during Chaos Knuckles’ attempt to reunify the Dark Legion with the citizens of Echidnaopolis. When Prelate-V returned from 3437 P.X.E., it was followed back by Silver the Hedgehog who got Enerjak’s immediate attention, as he observed Silver fighting for his life and was intrigued by the hedgehog's psychokinetic abilities while he extracted Remington’s Core. Dark Enerjak gloats as he holds the core of Remington. Dark Enerjak é o Knuckles de uma outra dimensão, sua primeira aparição foi em Sonic Universe #25 e a última foi em Sonic Universe #28. However, this version of Knuckles thought differently about these events and began to walk a dark path. Real-world designer(s) Since Knuckles never tried restoring a core to someone, she found herself unsure where to begin or even how. This caused Enerjak to sink Downunda after his Prelates failed to stop Nack the Weasel from retrieving it, either because he knew the Sword was on the continent, or the Freedom Fighters' plan to drain his powers with the blade. sega sonic sonicthehedgehog darkenerjak archiecomics archiesonic enerjak sonicfanart archiesoniccomics archiesonicthehedgehog. In this zone, the evil spirit of Enerjak laid waste to the world by corrupting the Guardian, Knuckles the Echidna while he controlled vast quantities of Chaos energy as Chaos Knuckles, eventually possessing him. Enerjak then headed to the Hidden Palace Zone, where he engaged Team Dark for control of the Master Emerald and easily defeated them as well. Unknown (deceased) Annoyed, but no more injured, Enerjak reappeared behind him and threw Silver down in retaliation, mocking his lack of power to stand against him as he bombarded the time traveler in Chaos energy. While Enerjak was based in Soumerca, Operation: Night Fire began with the entirety of G.U.N.’s Navy and Air Force making an all-out assault on Angel Island. The remains of his victims were lifeless empty husks, perfectly preserved by the magic, which he then mounted like trophies on the inner walls of his Citadel in a grotesque menagerie. His family deserted him, his friends had become his enemies, and even his followers’ loyalty was in question, as he mostly fought entire armies single-handedly. Silver's arrival seemed to utterly fascinate him, and he appeared to be positively delighted at the prospect of a true challenge to his godlike power. While Sally Acorn looked for the Sword of Acorns and made alliances, Sonic intended to gather the Chaos Emeralds so he could go Dark Mobius and stop Knuckles head-on. With further effort he created synthetic warriors from them called Prelates, whose robotic nature and complete obedience to Enerjak made them more ideal soldiers to the point that he performed the process on everyone he could, whether they were an ally or enemy. She seemed to have no particular desire to retain that form, short of restoring the world as shown when she said "I won't be Enerjak much longer." These abilities make Enerjak seem somewhat similar to various super forms attained by other Mobians, though the form itself has more in common with Chaos Knuckles, a similar state of being reached by Knuckles. Since Knuckles never tried restoring a core to someone, she found herself unsure where to begin or even how. The Knuckles Enerjak of Dark Mobius retains the same basic design elements (golden armour with a faceplate), but unlike the other two, his design features lots of black in addition to the red and gold, rather than the bright blue of the previous incarnations. Seeing this, Knuckles warned she could err without mastering her powers, and suggested coaching her by example if she shared some power with him, but a look from her silenced him. In comparison to most beings, anyone who assumes the mantle of Enerjak is virtually omnipotent. Outside IOT, Enerjak has his history as an echidna demigod from the Archie Comics' Sonic the Hedgehog universe. Alignment and character traits Spirit (formerly Mobian/Echidna) Silver freed them after overcoming the field, and Enerjak decided to humor his opponents' bravado by summoning the Chaotix Prelates and give the rebels a "fair fight." With Knuckles guidance, she concentrated on wanting to enter, and they arrived at a throne room where she hesitantly followed his instruction to sit. The barrier blocked Sonic away but that didn't stop him, Sonic use every force of his body, his speed, and his power to penetrate through the barrier and put everything on the line. He looked like Sonic in his Dark … (ASUB), As his efforts to bring order to Mobius took its toll over the years, Knuckles would rest to strengthen his second-sight. Sonic the Dark Enerjak. The Knuckles Enerjak of Dark Mobius retains the same basic design elements (golden armour with a faceplate), but unlike the other two, his design features lots of black in addition to the red and gold, rather than the bright blue of the previous incarnations. Enerjak recovered and then casually watched as the Freedom Fighters systematically destroyed the Prelates with Silver grabbing the released Cores, wondering why Jani-Ca still resisted him. (SU: #27), As they fought, Enerjak disintegrated massive amounts of rubble thrown at him by Silver, and resumed his charge at the hedgehog, only for Silver to throw him through his own statue and off of Angel Island. 13 Works in Enerjak (Sonic the Hedgehog) Navigation and Actions. Normally only to be awoken every thousand years, the Earth being split apart due to all the Genesis waves and Eggman ramming into Sonic after the end of Worlds Collide caused it to awake prematurely. (ASUB) (ASUB) (ASUB), In time, even Julie-Su left Knuckles, as she had become pregnant, and did so to protect their unborn child from his growing madness. This was the final blow, as Knuckles gave into the corrupting influence of the spirit of Enerjak and embraced the title, his ego deluding him to believe that he would make it into a hero for Mobius. It is as yet unknown if she will successfully carry out these goals and relinquish her newfound powers when done. By SuperSentaiHedgehog Watch. [5], As they fought, Enerjak disintegrated massive amounts of rubble thrown at him by Silver, and resumed his charge at the hedgehog, only for Silver to throw him through his own statue and off of Angel Island. He eventually applauded the rebels for their violent and dramatic entertainment, and then charged straight through the team, taking back Cores while adding the Freedom Fighters' to his collection one-by-one after Enerjak embedded Silver into the pavement. (ASUB, SU: #26), With this turn of events, very little resistance remained besides the Dark Freedom Fighters lead by Julie-Su and Lara-Su. Sonic Universe #25 Sonic, Julie-Su, Archimedes and Locke fought to free Knuckles from Enerjak’s influence and succeeded at the cost of Locke’s life. Due to draining Knuckles of his omnipotent powers into herself, Jani-Ca unexpectedly became the next incarnation of Enerjak known as "Jani-Jak. He sports gold and black bands on his dreadlocks and massive gold claws on the backs of his hands; he also wears a large cape (black with red interior). Species (ASUB), The reunification meeting between Dimtri, the High Council of Echidnaopolis, and the Mitre went well, but in the aftermath of the assassination attempt, Knuckles felt using his "death" as a point of debate indicated the wrong people were in charge, and that he was better suited to making necessary changes. Using the Sword’s magic, Jani-ca then recited a variant of Tikal's Prayer to drain Enerjak’s power, and in a flash of light Enerjak was reduced to a withered, old Knuckles while Jani-Ca, unexpectedly, became the next incarnation. While he has had four known variants - akin to hosts - over the comic's history, the "Dark Enerjak" version is the preferred character. Having conquered the world, Enerjak resorted to his Prelates combating the Freedom Fighters for amusement, but as time passed he desired new challenges to keep his interest, and sent Prelates into other realities to scout and locate ones that would prove entertaining for conquest. Knuckles eventually took over the Dark Legion and absolved the High Council to forcefully unify everyone, even adopting cybernetics to show his sincerity of closing the gap. Seething, she reluctantly agreed, but resolved not to sacrifice anyone else to his machinations when he proposed using a villain like Eggman who would not be missed. (SU: #26), Enerjak continued to toy with Silver, wondering if his world had more "fun" beings like him, which enraged the young hedgehog who ripped up the top of the tower he stood upon. Like Chaos Knuckles, Enerjak is permanent so long as no extenuating circumstances -- such as death or being subjected to a magical artifact or siphon device -- result that drain Enerjak's powers and revert him to whomever he was before becoming Enerjak. In this Zone, the evil spirit of Enerjak laid waste to the world by corrupting the Guardian, Knuckles the Echidna while he controlled vast quantities of Chaos energy as Chaos Knuckles, eventually possessing him. Near-omnipotence. (ASUB), As all of this went on, the resistance developed their own plans. She seemed to have no particular desire to retain that form, short of restoring the world as shown when she said "I won't be Enerjak much longer." to launch a pre-emptive strike. Not yet willing to forgive Knuckles or regard him as her father again, she brought him along for insight. The headgear had a Egyptian-like headdress with a pointed top, from which the faceplate could be removed. 1K Views. 5 Comments. The Jani-Ca version is the first known instance of a fifth Enerjak in any reality. Tracy Yardley [3], The reunification meeting between Dimtri, the High Council of Echidnaopolis, and the Mitre went well, but in the aftermath of the assassination attempt, Knuckles felt using his "death" as a point of debate indicated the wrong people were in charge, and that he was better suited to making necessary changes. The headgear had an Egyptian-like headdress with a pointed top, from which the faceplate could be removed. Dark Enerjak Enerjak has been shown to be capable of teleportation, telepathy, mind control, levitation, control over matter and energy at a molecular level, becoming a giant and super strength. Share your thoughts, experiences and the tales behind the art. Age This character exists primarily or exclusively within the Pre-Super Genesis Wave continuity. Thanos and Darkseid teleport away from Dimentio and Enerjak's corpses. Enerjakwas a malevolent Chaos demigod whose essence was scattered across the Chaos Force, and whose spirit has taken over a handful of Echidnas bearing great hubris and manifests as a villainous alter ego with incredible power restricted only by the host’s imagination. Fanfics / Fanfictions de Sonic The Hedgehog de todos os gêneros. Other Fana... -::Metal Knuckles::- Additionally, this design features robotic elements: there are cables running to his arms and within his dreadlocks, and his right eye appears to be mechanical, surrounded by an Eye of Horus-like design in red. The mask of "Jani-Jak", by Tracy Yardley. He was the alternate version of Enerjak from Dark Mobius. She wore a white skirt and wrapped sandals. Knuckles’ Dark Mobius version of Enerjak seemed fond of extracting his victims' Cores, a kind of concentrated life essence, leaving them lifeless husks. He was a malevolent Chaos demigod whose essence was scattered … to launch a pre-emptive strike. Archie Sonic Comics vs Detective Comics. Dark Enerjak,[1] or just Enerjak,[2] is a character that appears in the Sonic the Hedgehog comic book series and its spin-offs. The point at which things differed was in the modern age during Chaos Knuckles’ attempt to reunify the Dark Legion with the citizens of Echidnaopolis. However Knuckles found his allies increasingly at odds with these decisions, thinking they were just jealous instead of realizing they feared Knuckles’ power was affecting his judgement. Eventually, Enerjak removed even Julie-Su’s Core once she was captured during a raid, and Lara-Su began her search for the Sword of Acorns. Enerjak has been shown to be capable of teleportation, telepathy, mind control, levitation, control over matter and energy at a molecular level, becoming a giant and super strength. (ASUB), Artwork of Dimitri Enerjak and Dark Enerjak in an editorial column. 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