I recommend you filter by vocational sector and review similar items to make sure you have the right one. Blue Card holders in shortage occupations must be paid at least EUR 43,056 per year (up from EUR 41,808 in 2019). This means that inexpensive areas it is advised to earn 1,5 to 2 times the minimum requirements outlined for obtaining the Blue Card. It is important to note the duration of stay for each individual VISA and obtain your German EU Blue Card prior to the expiry of your VISA. If you are from one of these countries you can get a work permit without applying for the German Blue Card. When applying for a Blue Card the applicant must meet the following conditions: Have a Master’s Degree or equivalent. Depending on your citizenship, you might need to apply for a VISA prior to arrival and taking up employment. This is to make this website even better. By the end of 2018, 51,130 people residing in Germany had a Blue Card, with 55 per cent of them also having a permanent residency status. How much will it cost? Countries requiring no EU blue card and VISA upon entering Germany are: Citizens of the below countries are required to apply for a VISA at the nearest Embassy in your home country prior to arrival. Hey Shyam. This VISA grants you a 6-month period to find work in Germany and start your German EU Blue Card application once the requirements have been met. Trending Topics. If you can’t meet that financial minimum, you still qualify if your annual gross income is at least €44.304/year and you are employed in a so-called “shortage occupation”. Annual gross income 55.200 € (2019: 53.600 €) bzw. Always consult with the German authorities to make sure they are aware of your extended leave and if necessary, obtain an additional certificate to facilitate re-entry. The approval process can take as little as a week or several months if you need approval from the Federal Employment Agency. These options do not have such strict financial and education requirements, but also provides fewer benefits. The national EMN study describes the recruitment and working conditions of seasonal workers in Germany. Find an apartment, register your new address, and open a bank account. I know, easier said than done. Also note that if you take this route your application will need approval from the German Federal Employment Agency (Bundesagentur für Arbeit), unless you have a German higher education degree. The second means it is not recognized and the third means further review is needed. For example, it enables you to obtain the right of permanent residence more quickly. The EU Blue card, what is it and who is it for? If you have a work contract in place prior to moving, you can apply for the Blue Card straight away. It is possible to be granted an extension if certain requirements are fulfilled. Solution: Talk to your employer and get some legal help to argue your case. In Germany, it is required to register your address with the local district office (Bürgeramt). This cookie contains no personal data and is discarded when you close your browser. The required documents for a successful application are: Depending on your situation, you may have to submit additional or translated documents other than the ones mentioned above. In case your employer has a valid reason to let you go, it is important to notify the competent immigration authority as soon as possible. These cookies will last for one year. People with technical skills are targeted mostly, but the EU Blue Card - Germany is not limited to technical persons only. There are governmental Institutions and other 3rd party portals where you can find suitable jobs: Alternatively, you can place an advert yourself. The EU Blue Card helps highly-qualified third-country nationals to migrate to Germany permanently. You are considered a threat to public security or health, A national or EU-worker could fill the position. Even if we can sometimes blame the EU for creating complexity in administrative matters, it also creates opportunities in others. The renewal fee is €100 as of January 2020. Some articles have said you need to be earning 1,5 times the national average salary (or more ), while most other sources are vaguer. You can also find more information in the application process. Login cookies last for two days, and screen options cookies last for a year. As of February 2020, the thresholds are as follows: Figures vary a bit from year to year, but it can be assumed, based on previous years, that the minimum salary requirements do not deviate much from previous years. The goal is to ensure that your employer isn’t purposefully paying you less because you are a foreigner, called “loan-dumping”. These are requirements in order to apply for an EU Blue Card in Germany: A degree (bachelor, master or PhD) obtained from a German or foreign university. Solution: Make sure all your documents check out. But the biggest headache comes with a rejection from the Federal Employment Agency when it comes to blue card Germany being denied. It’s plain. You qualify if you have a German higher education qualification or a higher education degree that is recognized in Germany or comparable to local degrees. It grants the right to work and live in Germany. The EU Blue Card is for foreign nationals of non-EU countries who are highly skilled in a profession and want to work in Germany. Background: Salary thresholds for EU Blue Cards in Germany are based on the assessment ceiling of the German pension scheme. Opposed to the regular work VISA, the German EU Blue Card has some specific requirements that you need to fulfill before it is granted. Some salient features of the card are: It ensures equal salary and working conditions for cardholders For the EU Blue Card Germany requires that you apply in-person. These figures are the requirements for positions without work shortages. EU Blue Card. What is the Blue Card Germany application process? If you get a job classified as “professions of shortage” you may qualify for the lower threshold. Your local German Foreigners Authority must approve of any job changes taking place within the first two years of employment. EU BLUE CARD APPLICATION Who can apply for the EU blue card? If you do not have a contract or job offer in place, you can apply for a German Employment VISA for jobseekers. If you select "Remember Me", your login will persist for two weeks. Check that your salary meets local conditions and national standards for the type of work you will be doing. Your salary is too low for local conditions. General requirements. You have an employment contract or a binding job offer. In order to successfully apply for a Germany EU Blue Card, you must submit several documents. This website is using cookies to collect anonymous information about your session. They’ll be able to help you with the next steps of your blue card Germany application. Database of the Central Office for Foreign Education 1. you have a concrete job offer or an employment contract for high-qualification employment with a minimum annual salary of EUR 50.800 (date: 2017). The most frequent reasons why are as follows: In case your German EU Blue Card application has been denied, there is an appeal process where you can correct any remarks for the denial. An EU Blue Card for Germany is issued for three months longer than the duration of the employment contract. If your German language skills are certified at B1 or higher, you qualify for a permanent residence permit after only 21 months. Made with in Berlin. Do you know what alternatives do I have to apply extension of my residence permit? Information on the equivalence and recognition of foreign degrees is available at www.anerkennung-in-deutschland.de. The documents and requirements for the EU Blue Card in Germany are: you have non-EU citizenship proof of a German or recognised higher education qualification (BA/Masters etc) you need to have a binding working contract or binding job offer from a German company The German EU Blue Card allows qualified third-country nationals to move to Germany on a contract basis. Learn how your comment data is processed. The blue card scheme is aimed to attract skilled workers to Germany and provides an easier way to get a long-term residence permit for in-demand workers. These figures increase every year and were recently announced for 2020. It expires after 1 day. Have a work contract or a job offer for highly qualified employment for at least one year. Step 3: Wait. Hey Bastian, I am currently living in Airbnb in Hannover. You can of course decide to talk to immigration specialist. Those do not need a Blue Card to live and work in Germany. With the EU Blue Card Germany provides an easier path to the long-term residence permit for in-demand specialists. Free brochure:’Security right from the start’ Siemens-Betriebskrankenkasse Health Insurance Germany, Health Insurance In Germany – Private and Public Insurance Options in 2021, Private Health Insurance in Germany (Private Krankenversicherung – PKV). You can read more about integrity & ethics here. Get your German language skills certified at a B1 or higher level and you could qualify for that permanent residence permit after just 21 months. You must meet the following pre-conditions in order to obtain an EU Blue Card: 1. Don’t try to slide some extra numbers into the forms or exaggerate things. You can’t apply for the German EU Blue Card if you are in Germany under a tourist, medical or any other VISA which does not have the purpose of employment. Your visa has reached expiration date, and it hasn’t been renewed. That’s because each local Federal Employment Agency has its own guidelines based on the law and local economic conditions. Alternatively, you can also speak to an immigration specialist. Thresholds (minimum salary) for the EU Blue Card are redefined every year. A valid identity card or passport is sufficient. Which events could cause the termination of blue card permit? If you have a higher education degree and able to get a well-paying job in Germany, the EU Blue Card is the best option. Once approved, your EU Blue Card for Germany is valid for up to four years, unless you have a limited job contract. It does not impact the editorial line of this blog. The new salary thresholds will not apply to workers who received their existing EU Blue Card before Jan. 1, 2020. Monthly gross income 4.600 € (2019: 4.467 €). Good luck with it all! If your job contract is valid for more than only four years, you can apply for the renewal of … During this time you can find a new contract that meets the requirements. You can find all the necessary information for this process on the information portal of the German government for the recognition of foreign professional qualifications. In order to obtain the German EU Blue Card, it is necessary to have a work contract or a binding job offer prior to applying. Some jobs require a Master’s Degree in order to qualify for the German EU Blue Card. Once you have successfully obtained a German EU Blue Card, your family will also be eligible to live and work in Germany under a regular work VISA, but with fewer restrictions. If you leave the country indefinitely. Health Insurance In Germany – Private and Public Insurance Options in... You have not met the eligibility requirements, Your application contains missing, incorrect or false details, Your employer in Germany is not able to hire foreign workers or has been found guilty of employing irregular immigrants (they should check the job market entry requirements (. The VISA application fee for the blue card is €140. Currently 21% of engineering workers are older than 55 and many companies face severe replacement problems. Mortgages and EU Blue Cards. Stick to the full truth and state everything as clearly as possible. There may be several reasons why your application has been rejected. We’ve covered some of the most frequent scenarios below which we have not answered previously in this article. Europe wants to have more specialists, so this process was created for persons that are well-educated and have skills beneficial to the regional labor market. If the application is granted, the residence authority will inform the applicant. If you already have a work contract and qualify, you can apply for the German EU Blue Card straight away. Your German employer will act as a sponsor for your Blue Card application. For members of EU- states generosity is valid concerning their stay. Let’s say you’re a software developer, that means you filter for “natural science, geography, computer science” and “computer science and other ICT occupations”. In this case, you get your documents ready and then you make an appointment at the German embassy. All documents also require certified copies. During your stay, you need to apply for the German EU Blue Card before being able to take up employment. The EU- regulations concerning the blue card will be valid in Germany as a part of the German law from the 1… The granting of an EU Blue Card requires that: 1. you have a German, a recognised foreign or a foreign university or college degree equivalent to a German university or college degree 1. Step 1: Arrive in Germany! The application needs to be sent to the responsible foreign department. This helps you find various options, the competent authority, as well as a pdf that explains the process for recognition. As a result, a lot of banks do not lend to EU Blue Card holders and those who do insist certain requirements are met. It provides an overview of the most recent situation and developments on seasonal workers in terms of legislation and policy in Germany. If your occupation requires official recognition, check the database of the Central Office for Foreign Education Affairs (Zentralstelle für ausländisches Bildungswesen, ZaB) which lists foreign degrees and institutions that have already been recognized in Germany. Regular Blue Card holders in Germany must be paid at least EUR 55,200 per year (up from EUR 53,600 in 2019). In this post, we laid out all the information you need to get started. The largest numbers of job vacancies in engineering are the Hamburg and Stuttgart areas as … If all requirements are fulfilled, the AMS will send a confirmation to the residence authority, which will consequently issue the EU Blue Card, provided that the other requirements (except for locally customary accommodation and adequate means of subsistence) are met. The alternative to a German EU Blue Card is a regular employment VISA for qualified professionals or a VISA for jobseekers if you have not found a job yet. In exchange, you get to enjoy a privileged status during the visa process and special benefits if you’re approved. Since January 1st, 2009, Germany made health insurance compulsory for everyone. It’s clear. Starting a business: the overview you were looking for. A shortage occupation currently refers to positions in the natural science, mathematics, architecture, urban and traffic planners, designers, engineers, medical and IT fields with a full list provided by the EU (see groups 21, 221, and 25). Preserves users states across page requests and keep tracks of your cookie preferences. The appeal must be submitted within the deadline and for more complex situations it is advised to talk to an immigration lawyer. The annual salary required in order to qualify for the German EU Blue card is dependant on your occupation. You are a graduate: If you did not acquire your degree in Germany, it must either be recognised or comparable to a German degree. EU Blue Card for Germany The EU Blue Card is a relatively new type of residency permit, which permits non-EU workers to gain residency without a visa It is aimed at highly skilled workers. Germany has the highest number of employed engineering workers and the second highest share of engineering workers among all employees in the European Union. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Broken down, this translates to €4,733 per month. If you have a university degree you can get an EU Blue Card to enable you to work in Germany. With the EU Blue Card, highly qualified foreign nationals with recognized qualifications and an annual minimum salary can obtain a residence permit for the purpose of gainful employment in Germany. EU Blue Card - Germany is introduced as an immigration card at par with US Green Card to attract skilled professionals from different parts of the world. Once your initial contract ends, you will get 3 months to find a new one that meets the requirements. There you will be given 3 months initial visa that can be converted to Blue Card visa after moving to Germany. Bring these documents: * only required for “shortage occupation” applicants. Attracting and Protecting Seasonal Workers from Third Countries: download pdf, 518KB, For more general questions, you can also call a dedicated hotline setup by in cooperation with many different administrations. This has especially been designed to attract highly qualified professionals from non-EU countries. Your visa has been revoked by the German authorities or if you have been deported from the country, in case of criminal behavior for example. The major requirements for the EU Blue Card of Germany … I highly recommend you have a German native speaker escort you, to help with any questions during the appointment. Most of the time, ample research and knowledge about the location, makes it easier to integrate and get used to your new way of life! But, if you’re a member of these countries, you don’t need to apply for an entry visa and can stay for up to 90 days while applying: Australia, Canada, Israel, Japan, the Republic of Korea, New Zealand and the United States of America. You can obtain either an employment VISA, Visit VISA, Student VISA or any other VISA which describes your purpose of stay prior to arriving in Germany. It's helping to track performance and user behavior on the website to improve on it. After you have been holding an EU Blue Card for 18 months minimum, you can move to another European Union Member State (except Great Britain, Ireland and Denmark) and apply for the EU Blue Card within a month. 23 Apr. If you're considering moving to Germany or if you want to reside here permanently after your move, you can refer to this informative guide... Download Siemens-Betriebskrankenkasse (SBK) brochure for a professional and complete overview of the health insurance services they provide in Germany. Some posts contain affiliate links that may generate revenue. If you leave a comment on our site you may opt-in to saving your name, email address and website in cookies. A certain minimum salary is necessary for this. The figures for 2020 at a glance:. Unless you already live in Germany, you’ll probably need a temporary visa for entry, such as a work visa, job search visa, or a visa for the purpose of visiting a language class. Step 2: Make an appointment with the Foreign Registration Office (Ausländerbehörde) about 6-8 weeks before the end of your temporary visa. It’s a fast process to book and a guaranteed Anmeldung too. This is true across all visa types, but especially with the EU Blue Card Germany’s government officials will want to see every document related to your work and educational background! The processing time for your German EU Blue Card can take anything from one (1) week and up to three (3) months, depending on if you require special approvals from the Federal Employment Agency. Everyone who is resident in Germany is legally required to have sufficient health... Moving to Berlin, Germany is a very exciting, yet challenging experience. More info about this hotline this way. If your degree/s is from a foreign university then you need an equivalency certificate. There are various ways to find work in Germany. Even if it may not replace professional advice, it’s good place to ask for pointers and feedback during the process. The EU Blue Card Scheme was introduced to make Europe a more welcoming destination for students and professionals from outside the European Union. First, you will need to provide evidence that you hold a degree either from a German university or a recognised foreign university, a foreign degree comparable to a German degree, or a comparable qualification, evidenced through a minimum of five years of practical employment experience. As an added bonus, the EU Blue Card for Germany lets your family members live and work in the country with less restrictions than with a normal work visa. PLEASE NOTE:For certain occupations with particularly high demand an annual salary of at least EUR 39.624 (date: 2017) i… If it’s only a case of missing documents, ask if you can submit those later. While EU Blue Card holders can get a mortgage, the two things are slightly incompatible; a mortgage is a long-term investment but an EU Blue Card is only valid for a maximum of 4 years. The EU Blue Card is similar to the Temporary Residence Permit, but it targets a specific group of people and has longer validity. EU Blue Card is a so-called mimic form of USA Green Card, but here in Europe, you need to have 1.5 more wages threshold of a local German. If you have an account and you log in to this site, we will set a temporary cookie to determine if your browser accepts cookies. So the blue card is a card for citizens from non-EU-states. Have at least 5 years of experience in your field. No matter the reason they gave you, there is usually an appeal process. Highly qualified skilled workers and academics from non-EU-states can apply for the EU blue card as a simple and limited work permit. The health insurance system in Germany © 2021 - Settle in Berlin. For the EU Blue Card Germany requires that you apply in-person. EU BLUE CARD OF GERMANY REQUIREMENTS AND PROCEDURE. Take a deep breath, write down the deadline, and talk to an immigration lawyer. Unless you already live in Germany, you’ll probably need a temporary visa for entry, such as a work visa, job search visa, or a visa for the purpose of visiting a language class. Make sure to have a cup of tea ready: this guide is long read! A reduced minimum annual gross salary of 43,05… What is SCHUFA: all about the German credit rating. The first means the institution has been recognized and a comparison of your degree with German equivalents is possible. Opposed to the regular work VISA, the German EU Blue Card has some specific requirements that you need to fulfill before it is granted. That’s why it’s considered the “golden ticket” for migrating to Europe! the EU blue card for Germany is one of them. If you edit or publish an article, an additional cookie will be saved in your browser. Blue Card EU for Germany The EU Blue Card is a new residence title for specific purposes, used in Germany since 2012. employment VISA for qualified professionals, How To Apply for Visa as Freelancer in Germany – Comprehensive Guide, Income Tax Return and Refunds in Germany 2020, The Anmeldung – How to Register Your Address in Germany. They can answer your questions in English. The Requirements for an EU Blue card are significant and it’s certainly not a quick or easy solution to residency. They might not have any experience hiring from abroad, but they should still do their research. Effect from August 1, 2012 for Indian citizens residence authority will inform the applicant hey Bastian, am. Work and live in Munich than in Berlin will assume that you apply in-person an advert yourself already... Who is it and who is it for the Third means further review is needed approved... Dependant on your occupation among all employees in the application process is dependant on which country are. 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